Real Science Friday: CRSQ Dec. 2006

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Real Science Friday: CRSQ Dec. 2006

This is the show from Friday March 23rd, 2007.


* Fred Williams: webmaster for Creation Research Society co-hosts Real Science Friday with Bob Enyart and today they discuss Volume 43, the December 2006 CRS Quarterly, their prestigious peer-reviewed science journal. The current CRSQ mentions, "Our webmaster, Fred Williams, has been invited to appear on a Denver radio station to discuss creation-related issues." And Fred's personal website,, is a fabulous and includes a creation show that even your kids will enjoy! You can invite Fred to speak to your group, school, or church by emailing him at!

* The Crab Nebula: exploded into the night ski in 1054 A.D. as a supernova remnant (SNR). Evolutionary scientists have measured and calculated the expected rate that stars would explode. However, if the universe is billions of years old, the vast majority of SNRs (like the Crab Nebula) that should exist, are missing! Instead, the number of SNRs corresponds well to the expected number if the universe is less than 10,000 years old, especially considering that astronomers have not found a single SNR at Stage 3 (a great diameter), which is to be expected from a young universe.

* The Politically Incorrect: Guide to Science by Tom Bethell is a fun book to read, according to Fred Williams, as Bethell debunks the junk science regarding global warming, nuclear power, the DDT ban, evolution, and human embryonic stem cell research, pointing out for example that adult stem cell cures are succeeding while embryonic cell treatment tends to cause cancer, and the bad-science DDT ban brought about a resurgence of malaria, leading to the preventable deaths of about 40 million blacks in Africa. Liberals mostly don't care (its not the kids, stupid, its the fish).

* Bar A What?: Baraminology, or the classification of living creatures after the "created kinds" shows that the Bible's term "kind" roughly matches the "family" designation in the traditional Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species that was originally established by a Christian creationist, Carl Linnaeus. This greatly lowers the number of animals Noah had to bring on the Ark.

* Buried Alive: a dentist, Jack Cuozzo, documents his research into the Neandertals as homo sapiens, and the French governments extreme efforts to prevent him from gaining access to their remains!

Today'sResource: Within one-week from today's show, BEL will give you a gift subscription to Creation Research Society Quarterly as a thank you if you purchase either the BEL Science Pack, or subscribe to the BEL Televised Classics, Bible Albums, Sermons, or BEL Topical Videos! If you call us at 800-8Enyart, just ask for the CRSQ subscription, and if you order online, just type your subscription request in the notes field during Check Out.


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Jefferson said:
Real Science Friday: CRSQ Dec. 2006

This is the show from Friday March 23rd, 2007.


* Bar A What?: Baraminology, or the classification of living creatures after the "created kinds" shows that the Bible's term "kind" roughly matches the "family" designation in the traditional Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species that was originally established by a Christian creationist, Carl Linnaeus. This greatly lowers the number of animals Noah had to bring on the Ark.

This sentence from the above link pretty much says it all about the current status of baraminology:

At that point, the holobaramin has (hopefully) been identified.​

The sad fact is that any link between these methods and the concept of the "holobaramin" is totally arbitrary, and indeed, one of the central conclusions one can draw from the major paper on the subject (Wood, T.C., K.P. Wise, R. Sanders, and N. Doran. 2003. A refined baramin concept. Occasional Papers of the BSG 3:1–14.) is that it is impossible to define baramins in a way that is both theoretically sound (i.e., corresponds to the Biblical concept of "kinds") and functional (i.e., can accurately diagnose and delineate "kinds"). That's why Woods describes the identification of the holobaramin with these methods as a "hopeful" outcome. There's no justification whatsoever for concluding that the patterns that emerge from all this number-crunching have the slightest relationship to events of special creation.
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