Real Science Friday Backbone

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Real Science Friday Backbone

This is the show from Friday July 10th, 2009.


* RSF Co-Host Interviews a Chiropractor: Bob Enyart interviews Denver Dr. John Hanks about the design of the human spine and asks the chiropractor how the human race would survive, if evolution were true, if our gradually forming vertebrae had achieved about 90 percent of their current shape, and the discs between them had only achieved about 75 percent their current form and functionality. Dr. Hanks answered that the debilitating back pain that would result species wide would likely wipe out the human race. Also, Dr. Hanks pointed out other crushing evidence against Darwinism in that, between the vast domains of vertebrates and invertebrates, the fossil record in the geologic column has absolutely no intermediaries.

* If You have Back or Neck Pain: (Note: this is NOT a paid advertisement!) If your back is in the Denver area, and it needs some chiropractic care, Bob suggests that you set up an appointment to see Dr. John Hanks! Start by clicking on over to

* Today's Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet (clip), Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart's Age of the Earth Debate; Walt Brown's In the Beginning and Bob's interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week; the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI's tremendous Creation magazine!

The Barbarian

Chimps, which are almost completely quadrupedal, have more than a 90% similarity to humans in the veterbrae and intervertebral disks. Files/10-2 Homin Facet.jpg

The winding of reinforcing fibers in chimp vertebral discs in the annulus fibrosis is, as it is in humans, optimized to handle compression, as is the composition of the nucleus pulposis. Makes you wonder how much comparative primate anatomy you have to know to become a chiropractor. The fibers run helically, so that at maximum volume, the angle of the fibers is about 55 degrees, which equalizes the forces that would tend to make the disc fatter or longer, and thus minimizes the likelihood of a blowout. Probably because arboreal primates face greater maximum compressive forces in their daily life than we do, the discs were already pretty good before bipedalism evolved.

Ref: Steven Vogel: Cat's Paws and Catapults: Mechanical Worlds of Nature and People

The annulus fibrosus is a strong radial tire–like structure made up of lamellae; concentric sheets of collagen fibers connected to the vertebral end plates. The sheets are orientated at various angles. The annulus fibrosus encloses the nucleus pulposus.

Dr. Hanks answered that the debilitating back pain that would result species wide would likely wipe out the human race.

Perhaps chiropractic is older than we realize...

Also, Dr. Hanks pointed out other crushing evidence against Darwinism in that, between the vast domains of vertebrates and invertebrates, the fossil record in the geologic column has absolutely no intermediaries.

I guess our chiropractor fellah never heard of ascidians. The early stages of ascidians are essentially primitive chordates, as are the larvae of echinoderms. So we have still living transitionals between vertebrates and invertebrates.

Do chiropractors have to study comparative anatomy of chordates? Guess not. Or maybe the good doctor slept through that one. I have to say, during my years of experience as an ergonomist, I was not overly impressed with the understanding of biomechanics on the part of doctors and chiropractors. One chiropractor told me that "lifting belts" worked by compressing the guts and putting pressure on the lower back. Since the safe level of compression on the L5/S1 vertebral disc is about 760 lbs., I can only imagine what that kind of force would do if applied around the midsection...:freak:
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ob Enyart interviews Denver Dr. John Hanks about the design of the human spine and asks the chiropractor how the human race would survive, if evolution were true, if our gradually forming vertebrae had achieved about 90 percent of their current shape, and the discs between them had only achieved about 75 percent their current form and functionality. Dr. Hanks answered that the debilitating back pain that would result species wide would likely wipe out the human race.

This apparent conundrum is easily settled. Our hominid ancestors didn't have the same posture or move in exactly the same ways that we do. This is only puzzling if you assume that hominids were somehow just like homo sapiens except for their spinal columns.

I notice that chimpanzees and orangutans are able to manage bipedal locomotion without showing any sign of discomfort and that they also spend significant amounts of time sitting upright without herniating disks. I also note that debilitating back pain is on the rise in h. sapiens as we adopt a more sedentary lifestyle.


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Just more evidence that the facts and truth have little impact of Pastor Bob and his followers.


I think we have a possible winner for next years coveted golden crocoduck award! (this years winner was Kent Hovind...*pause for laughter and applause*)

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