Real Science Friday: ASU Admits 90% of Marine Life Killed


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RSF: ASU Admits 90% of Marine Life Killed

This is the show from Friday, April 20th 2012.


* Worldwide Extinction Event Evidence of Hydroplate Theory: Real Science Friday co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams ask whether a new scientific discovery helps to confirm Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory explanation of The Origin of Earth's Radioactivity. Scientists at Arizona State University discovered that the global catastrophe that killed 90% of the life in the oceans occurred simultaneously with a dramatic worldwide radioactivity event! (See video below and AiG's article.)

* A (Tail) Bone to Pick with Fox News: After Fox News wrongly claimed that humans have vestigial organs, Bob offers to pay to have Bill O'Reilly's tail bone removed.

* Sea Level Rise and the Earth Divided in the Days of Peleg: For a couple hundred years after the flood, massive land bridges connected the Americas to Asia, Australia, and Europe. (That aids understanding of the post-flood migration of people and animals, including "woolly" mammoths.) Today, if you lower sea level by just a few hundred feet, bridges would re-emerge connecting the continents. As mountain ranges settled, they lifted up the earth's great plateaus (Colorado, Tibetan, etc.). And as the entire continents themselves settled back into the mantel, they raised the sea floor dramatically, submerging the post-flood land bridges. The Hebrew name Peleg means to divide by water (like our archipelago, a chain of islands). Thus the Bible says, that "the name of one [son] was Peleg, for in his days the Earth was divided" (Gen. 10:25). Hear Bob Enyart and Walt Brown discuss this in the RSF show, Walt on Where the Water Went.

For this show, RSF recommends Dr. Carl Werner's Living Fossils video
and its prequel, Evolution, the Grand Experiment!

* SEE RSF's NEW Dinosaur Soft Tissue Page! By popular demand, Real Science Friday now presents all our evidence for the existence of dinosaur soft tissue on a since RSF page titled:

Dinosaur Soft Tissue is Original Biological Material

That page features photos, video, and excerpts from and links to all the major peer-reviewed journal papers confirming the existence of dinosaur tissue. If you appreciate that page and want other people to be able to find that handly information, please email the above link to friends, and... better yet, post that link somewhere online, like in a blog or on a relevant forum.

Today’s Resource: Get the fabulous Carl Werner DVD Living Fossils and his great prequel, Evolution: The Grand Experiment! And have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins!

* ALERT: The misleading headline in the Times of India, Humans, dinos, lived together, implies that a recent Geological Bulletin of China paper claims evidence of human and dinosaur co-existence. It is the Bible that correctly claims this (and that horses co-existed with dinosaurs, which is true even though it nearly as equally implausible to evolutinists). Perhaps due to translation confusion, sites like are reporting, Humans, dinosaur co-existing tracks found in China. What that Chinese academic journal article actually reports is that 700 years ago many Chinese people recognized the dinosaur tracks in stone that lie in and around their communities.

The Barbarian

The coccyx is vesigial, but it's important to remember what the word means. It doesn't mean "useless", although it is true that many people with coccygeal agenesis (missing coccyx) never know it until an x-ray happens to show it. In fact, it's possible to be missing a bit of the sacrum and still have no ill effects.

But actually, "vestigial" means "no longer has the old function." And it's been that way since Darwin (he referred to them as "rudimentary organs"). Darwin pointed out that some vestigial organs have developed a new function, after losing the old.

But yes, FOX got it wrong. The coccyx is very nearly useless, and often the cause of pain, but it does have a bit of hematopoietic tissue which is unnecessary but useful.

Cutting it out would involve a lot of pain, of course. But not having it in the first place is no problem at all.

The cited radioactivity event actually indicates a lower level of radioactivity, BTW.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The coccyx is very nearly useless, and often the cause of pain, but it does have a bit of hematopoietic tissue which is unnecessary but useful.

We should offer to have Barbarian's removed as well. :chuckle:

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
The coccyx is very nearly useless, and often the cause of pain, but it does have a bit of hematopoietic tissue which is unnecessary but useful.

Stipe tries a "clever diversion."
We should offer to have Barbarian's removed as well.

As if cutting something out of one's body was painless, if it's useless. No wonder people laugh at you guys. BTW, we've already checked the Peleg story against New Zealand. Doesn't work, does it?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Barbarian observes:The coccyx is very nearly useless, and often the cause of pain, but it does have a bit of hematopoietic tissue which is unnecessary but useful.Stipe tries a "clever diversion."As if cutting something out of one's body was painless, if it's useless. No wonder people laugh at you guys. BTW, we've already checked the Peleg story against New Zealand. Doesn't work, does it?


:mock: Barbie.