Real Science Friday: A Creationist Interviews Lawrence Krauss


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A Creationist Interviews Lawrence Krauss

This is the show from Friday, September 21st, 2012.



* Real Science Friday has a Far Ranging Conversation with Krauss
: Co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams present Bob's interview of theoretical physicist (emphasis on the theoretical), atheist Lawrence Krauss. Fred says, "It's David vs. Goliath, but without the slingshot." As the discussion ranges from astronomy and anatomy to cosmology and physics, most folks would presume that Dr. Krauss would take apart Enyart's arguments, especially when the Bible believer got the wrong value for the electron-to-proton mass ratio. But the conservation reveals fascinating dynamics from the creation/evolution debate.

* Krauss "Suprised" by Friend Eugenie Scott's Junk DNA Claim: Even though Eugenie made the same argument that thousands of evolutionists have made for decades, Lawrence Krauss agrees that she was wrong to tell Bob Enyart in 1998 that the we knew for sure that pseudogenes (aka Junk DNA) had no function (and were therefore evidence against intelligent design). Virtually all leading evolutionists validate the ID concept, except that they use the argument in reverse, and poorly, claiming that what they assess as poor design is evidence against a Creator. (Next week RSF will air four minutes of the Enyart/Eugenie disagreement over junk DNA as the guys discuss the landmark Nature study reporting on 440 genetic researchers who so far have identified function in 80% of the human genome!)

For today's show RSF recommends
the best astronomy science DVD ever made!
What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy:
Our Created Solar System

* Krauss Denies, then Remembers: RSF continues to document the quirk of evolutionists who pretend during debates with creationists that they've never heard certain common terms. Krauss adds to our list. From the last round of the RSF debate with AronRa, Ra asked, What's an evolutionist? and What's Neo-Darwinism?; Eugenie Scott couldn't figure out what I could possibly be referring to when I asked her to provide 'evidence' for evolution, and when I quoted a leading evolutionist on 'problems' for evolution, she even asked, What's a 'problem'? Krauss however set a record for not recognizing the most common terms in the least amount of time. RSF is considering keeping our Webster's Desktop Reference handy for any possible future interviews with Lawrence. While talking to Bob Enyart, Krauss asks, often incredulously, as though he had never heard of such things:
- "What's a person?"
- "What's an atheist?"
- "What's an evolutionist?"
- "What's Darwinism?"
- He never heard of the "multiverse" proposed as an answer the fine-tuning problem [he had never heard of it, until he later remembered it]
- He never heard of scientists proposing that aliens might have seeded life on Earth [even though it's been discussed for a half century starting with the co-discoverer of DNA to very recently when his friend Richard Dawkins suggested it in Ben Stein's movie Expelled.]

* Krauss Claims that Scientists Don't "Believe" Anything: Krauss contradicts his claim that he doesn't "believe" anything by acknowledging that he does believe in the existence of the cosmos. Likewise, while claiming that science doesn't have beliefs, but rather, it falsifies claims, Krauss doesn't realize that disproving a theory creates a new positive assetion. (Krauss' fellow atheist AronRa also makes this kind of error. Regarding the philosophical claim that the universe has no center, AronRa could not get himself to realize that such a claim is a positive assertion.) Atheists increasingly are uncomfortable with information per se, with mind, with the validity of the laws of logic, and even with truth itself. Thus atheists find a confused kind of comfort in claiming that they don't believe things, they just falsify ideas. Come to think of it though, they're even uncomfortable with the very existence of "ideas", since ideas themselves are not made of matter. (See

* Krauss Never Heard of Multiverse Solution to Fine-Tuning Problem; Then Proposes It: The finely tuned parameters of the universe include:
- the electron to proton ratio with a standard deviation of 1 in 10 to the 37th
- the electron to proton mass ration
- the gravitational force constant
- the electromagnetic force constant
- the electromagnetic force in the right ratio to the nuclear force, and
- the ratio of the number of electrons to protons, etc.
So it is claimed that the Anthropic Principle answers why the extraordinarily unlikely precise values of these ratios exist, including the one in 10,000 decillion odds against us having a virtually perfect one-to-one electron-to-proton ratio. And for human life on Earth to exist, additional finely tuned parameters include:
- the Earth's nearly circular orbit
- the Earth-moon relationship
- our (rapidly decaying) magnetic field
- the just-right ozone layer
- the Earth's spin rate
- the water cycle
- the atmospheric pressure
- the liquid water that exists because the Earth is just the right distance from the Sun, etc.
But atheists are content to say that the Anthropic Principle explains all this, which is as satisfying, as Bob said to Lawrence, as a doctor saying, "The reason that your father is deaf is because he can't hear.

Today’s Resources: Get the Spike Psarris DVD What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy and Vol. II, Our Created Stars and Galaxies! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine!

Memento Mori

New member
Why can't I get the full interview rather than the cut and paste sound bites along with commentary?

"We have the advantage because we've heard the full thing" - Bob. Nice

Dr. Krauss from what I can tell, is trying to get Bob to define his terms. I'm sure Lawrence is used to the avoidance often seen from Creationists in the avoiding of defining certain terms. "Darwinist" and "Evolutionist" are not common terms in academia. They would be novel to any academic person that hasn't encountered a YEC. He's could also be trying to see what Creationists mean in what they say. Just as I'm sure you don't know what I might mean by "novel" because I use it in the psychological sense. Also, I was surprised by how much Bob is twisting Krauss's arm through most of it.

Plus, why are you talking about "what scientists believe" rather than the facts? It's an argument from authority that Bob is trying to use. The thing is, what Krauss was trying to explain, it seems that Creationists have taken what many scientists publish and taken out of context. It makes it even harder when you don't cite your work and we can't fact check it ourselves. It would greatly help if you would cite your sources.

Also, Dawkin's words were clearly twisted in the original work of "Expelled." Just look at how the tape was cut together. Admitting possibility is not the same as admitting probability. But Dawkin's only admits a possibility, mostly because "anything is possible." But the evidence doesn't show that. Where's the evidence?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Why can't I get the full interview rather than the cut and paste sound bites along with commentary?

"We have the advantage because we've heard the full thing" - Bob. Nice
Ain't it? :)

Plus, why are you talking about "what scientists believe" rather than the facts?
Both are important.

It's an argument from authority that Bob is trying to use.
What is?

The thing is, what Krauss was trying to explain, it seems that Creationists have taken what many scientists publish and taken out of context. It makes it even harder when you don't cite your work and we can't fact check it ourselves. It would greatly help if you would cite your sources.
Who are you whining about now, specifically? Who is it that doesn't cite their sources?

Also, Dawkin's words were clearly twisted in the original work of "Expelled." Just look at how the tape was cut together. Admitting possibility is not the same as admitting probability. But Dawkin's only admits a possibility, mostly because "anything is possible." But the evidence doesn't show that. Where's the evidence?
:mock: Dawkins.

Memento Mori

New member

You mean you don't want the unbiased, uncut, full interview?

Ain't it? :)

I guess if you want to create the illusion of victory, it is. :idunno:

Both are important.

No, facts are important. Everyone could believe the Earth is flat but we have clear evidence to the contrary. Which is what I'd rather have them discussing instead of "Dawkins said this or that."

"Now scientists think this."

Who are you whining about now, specifically? Who is it that doesn't cite their sources?

Bob did not cite his source on the Dawkins quote from the movie "Expelled." Nor did he cite any of the claims he had made about what scientists believe. The only time I heard him give any background information was the claims against Eugenie Scott which he cited his own program.

:mock: Dawkins.

Oh, Stripe. Classic. Don't be like Coke and make a new crappy version of yourself (unless of course, you overarching plan is just to revert). :thumb:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You mean you don't want the unbiased, uncut, full interview? I guess if you want to create the illusion of victory, it is. :idunno:

No, facts are important. Everyone could believe the Earth is flat but we have clear evidence to the contrary. Which is what I'd rather have them discussing instead of "Dawkins said this or that."
Logic. Learn some. :thumb:

"Now scientists think this."
What's the argument? What is being claimed as true because scientists think something? What is the something?

Bob did not cite his source on the Dawkins quote from the movie "Expelled."

Boy, are you desperate!

Nor did he cite any of the claims he had made about what scientists believe.
Hardly seems relevant. Is this really what you're going to talk about? That Pastor Enyart didn't tell you where he'd heard everything he spoke about?

Lame, Momo.


Memento Mori

New member

Loser. If all I gave was a commentary of my talk with Bob, would it bother you if I cut away and made and extra point and reinforced how right I was? Or is it all fair in love and war?

Logic. Learn some. :thumb:

Clearly, you do not understand what an appeal to authority is.

What's the argument? What is being claimed as true because scientists think something? What is the something?

Did you even listen to the thing? Bob constantly pulls supposed research out of the air. I have no idea of the specific research because he doesn't tell us where he got it.


Boy, are you desperate!

No, I gave a single example when I knew specifically where this information was pulled. Not desperate. Informed. Perhaps you should take your own advice and learn some logic. :thumb:

Hardly seems relevant. Is this really what you're going to talk about? That Pastor Enyart didn't tell you where he'd heard everything he spoke about?

Yes because I want to see the bare facts for myself. I am not going to take it on his authority that he is correct. I want the original sources. If I can't have those then as far as I am aware Bob could be pulling things out of thin air.

This is why in academia we always cite where we got our information. So that others can see for themselves the original unbiased facts. :thumb:

Lame, Momo.


If you wish to remain an ignortard, so be it. But I will not accept any claim from Bob about "scientists claim this" without some background information. If I were to request where Dr. Krauss got his information, I'm sure he would cite it in a heart beat.

So, I would suggest rather than taking Bob on authority, you review his information... Oh wait, you can't because he didn't tell us where he got it.

Now can I please have some citations for the multitude of Bob's claims about "what scientists believe."


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Loser. If all I gave was a commentary of my talk with Bob, would it bother you if I cut away and made and extra point and reinforced how right I was? Or is it all fair in love and war?

If you make a radio show, you can say whatever you please on it.

Clearly, you do not understand what an appeal to authority is.
Clearly you don't want to answer my questions.

Did you even listen to the thing? Bob constantly pulls supposed research out of the air. I have no idea of the specific research because he doesn't tell us where he got it.

It's a radio show, not a peer reviewed paper.

Get over yourself. :up:

Yes because I want to see the bare facts for myself. I am not going to take it on his authority that he is correct. I want the original sources. If I can't have those then as far as I am aware Bob could be pulling things out of thin air.
Which claim are you looking for a cite for?

If you wish to remain an ignortard, so be it. But I will not accept any claim from Bob about "scientists claim this" without some background information. If I were to request where Dr. Krauss got his information, I'm sure he would cite it in a heart beat.
Perhaps you should email Pastor Enyart. :thumb:

Now can I please have some citations for the multitude of Bob's claims about "what scientists believe."

This threads are so, so painful.
And yet you are drawn to them like a moth to flame. :think:


Memento Mori

New member

If you make a radio show, you can say whatever you please on it.

Not really. At least not in the context of being honest. Especially when you're putting for the claim that "throughout this debate, Krauss [says this or that]." That's why I want the raw data. Because slander is being put forward by Bob and I want to see if that's actually what occurred. Especially since Bob misunderstands Krauss's argument against fine-tuning. "A spread across multiple dimensions and we happen to find ourselves in the one that works in our favor." Krauss correctly identifies this as a tautology but it has certain implications that can explain our universe.

Clearly you don't want to answer my questions.

Which question do you need answered. As you said, "it's a discussion. If you have a question, just ask." :thumb:


It's a radio show, not a peer reviewed paper.

It still needs citations. Otherwise, it's plagiarism.

Get over yourself. :up:

I'm trying to get facts.

Which claim are you looking for a cite for?

The SD of the ratio of electron to proton ratio.

60% of doctors say God is involved in the origin of humans. Cited as "a prestigious institute."

The unlikelyhood of our universe and the "scientists multiverse claim of trillions upon trillions of universes"

Probability of our universe. "A paltry number of universes" "Legion of physicists"

Dawkin's claim on seeding. (which I already knows comes from Expelled). The other "neo-darwinists" who claim aliens seeding. (Also, he did not say he had never heard of Panspermia, but about "many scientists accepting life coming from a star far, far away"). Krauss even interrupted Bob in his attempt to bring up Panspermia and says it's interesting but it doesn't appear necessary. Also, I'm looking for the transcript which Bob claimed to have made. Hopefully he can easily direct me to it.

Perhaps you should email Pastor Enyart. :thumb:


I find your indifference to citations very telling... :think:


Staff member
Super Moderator
Part 2 of the interview should be posted sometime Monday. Bob is in the process of compiling all of the contradictions Krauss uttered.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Why can't I get the full interview rather than the cut and paste sound bites along with commentary?
MM, part II should be posted here on TOL today.

"We have the advantage because we've heard the full thing" - Bob. Nice
MM, we always offer live interviews, but guests often prefer taping to fit their schedule. Also, because our planned 25-minute interview ran about 40 minutes, to air it in Denver we needed to air it over two programs. To keep the flow, we decided to limit our "stop the tape" comments to just once per broadcast.

Dr. Krauss from what I can tell, is trying to get Bob to define his terms. I'm sure Lawrence is used to the avoidance often seen from Creationists in the avoiding of defining certain terms. "Darwinist" and "Evolutionist" are not common terms in academia. They would be novel to any academic person that hasn't encountered a YEC.
MM, how about his:
- "What's a person?"
- "What's an atheist?"
- "What's Darwinism?"
And he never heard of scientists proposing that aliens might have seeded life on Earth even though it's been discussed for a half century starting with the co-discoverer of DNA? Can you consider that this is shtick that evolutionists use? It's like Eugenie (Junk) Scott stumbling over a request for "evidence" and AronRa asking incredulously, "What's neo-Darwinism?"

Also, I was surprised by how much Bob is twisting Krauss's arm through most of it.

Plus, why are you talking about "what scientists believe" rather than the facts?
MM, do scientists believe facts to be true? Not everyone does. I do. But I've encountered many atheists who don't. Can you perhaps see some of yourself in this description that I wrote of Krauss and atheists:

Krauss Claims that Scientists Don't "Believe" Anything: Krauss contradicts his claim that he doesn't "believe" anything a dozen times over in this interview alone, including in the first one minute by acknowledging that he does believe in the existence of the cosmos. Likewise, while claiming that science doesn't have beliefs, but rather, it only disproves claims, Krauss doesn't realize that claiming that a theory has been falsified is itself a positive statement. (Krauss' fellow atheist AronRa also makes this kind of error. Regarding the philosophical claim that the universe has no center, AronRa could not get himself to realize that such a claim is a positive assertion.) Atheist self contradiction includes their belief in falsehood and opposition to truth (which is understandable seeing that Jesus Christ said, "I am the truth). Thus atheists are increasingly uncomfortable with information per se, with mind, with the validity of the laws of logic, and even with truth itself. So atheists find a confused kind of comfort in claiming that they don't believe things, they just falsify ideas. Come to think of it though, they're even uncomfortable with the very existence of "ideas", since ideas themselves are not made of matter. (See​

And then Memento Mori, I'd say that you were making this next part up, about Dawkins (since it is completely false), but reading between your lines I come to the conclusion that perhaps you're not making it up yourself, but rather, that you're repeating a belief that you've developed after reading a claim that someone else made up. On this matter, you are not looking at the fact (of the actual recording), but you are proclaiming your belief:

Also, Dawkin's words were clearly twisted in the original work of "Expelled." Just look at how the tape was cut together.
Twisted? Clearly? Yes MM, look at it. I did. 15 times. Literally. With a group of us. As I transcribed what he said. You've made an assertion MM without support, and against videotaped evidence. The burden of proof is on you. Some people, of course, hold to beliefs, in spite of the evidence. I infer that you're not one of them. So could you retract that claim about Dawkins' words being clearly twisted?

Admitting possibility is not the same as admitting probability. But Dawkin's only admits a possibility, mostly because "anything is possible." But the evidence doesn't show that. Where's the evidence?
Here's what Richard Dawkins said:
"Well, [the origin of life on earth] could have come about in this way: The evidence may show, as we look at the complexity, as we look at the genetic mechanisms, that might be evidence that a long time ago, far far away in another galaxy, that there was a civilization that evolved by Darwinian means. And that civilization designed life and seeded it on our earth." -Richard Dawkins to Ben Stein in Expelled
With the number of seconds in a 14 billion year old universe, and the number of particles in the universe, there's far less than 10 to the 150 physical interactions of particles in the history of the universe. Yet with rather short proteins having chains of 150 amino acids, there are about 10 to the 195 possibilities to come upon it randomly. Eukaryote proteins average hundreds of amino acids, and some proteins have functional chains thousands of amino acids long. And all that specified complexity only gives you a protein, which in and of itself is nothing but a dead protein molecule, a million miles, metaphorically speaking, from a living cell. You need that molecule described on a length of DNA three times longer than the length of the protein, and you need transfer RNA, and transcription RNA, and then... you've got to fold it correctly. This is just the beginning of the physical hurdles for life arising by chance that Dawkins was referring to, saying, "The evidence may show, as we look at the complexity, as we look at the genetic mechanisms, that might be evidence..." Which is the kind of evidence that led Francis Crick to propose directed panspermia: aliens did it!

-Bob Enyart
Last edited:

Bob Enyart

Staff member
MM, per your request that I provide sources, here's one at least. We spoke for 40 minutes, and I've never heard any conversation where people cited a source for everything they said. That'd be weird, no? What are you wanting a source for? BTW, the ONLY reason that we were talking about what Dawkins said was because Krauss acted like he had not before heard of the idea of panspermia, first implying he had never heard of it, then saying it was an interesting idea, and then a fascinating idea. (Wow, that's rapid development of thought!)

So here's my reference for my statement that the 60% of U.S. MDs say that God was involved in the origin of human life, which I offered to counter Krauss (as we've heard from many atheists) who was implying that it's only unscientific people who look at the evidence and conclude that God was involved in origins:

The Applied Science of Medicine Is Doubting Secular Darwinism
: Dembski and Witt report on a study conducted by the prestigious yet pro-evolution Louis Finkelstein Institute (at The Jewish Theological Seminary) of U.S. medical doctors, 60% of whom believe that God was involved in the creation of mankind! That's 60% of docs who reject the strictly secular Darwinist explanation for our existence. The large sample (for a study of medical doctors) of 1,482 MDs were asked in Question 7 of the poll if they agreed with:

- "God initiated and guided an evolutionary process that has led to current human beings." 42% agreed.
- "God created humans exactly as they appear now." 18% agreed.
The remaining 40% selected secular evolution or no opinion. The evolutionist counterfactual spin over this poll (as at, etc.) exploits confusion over the terms evolution and intelligent design, micro evolution, macro evolution, and theistic evolution. (That is, significant percentages of those who would say that evolution played the greater role, regardless, also claim to believe that God started and even guided evolution. Some even believe only in microevolution and not the evolutionary appearance of new genus, families, orders, etc. Thus respondents who believe that God was involved may still answer that they prefer evolution, with the godless science media then exploiting the ambiguity, and rather than seeking clarification of the truth, they report the ambiguity as though it were the actual result, and systematically avoid reporting on the unambiguous answers.)​

MM, for more see

-Bob Enyart


New member
MM, part II should be posted here on TOL today.

MM, we always offer live interviews, but guests often prefer taping to fit their schedule. Also, because our planned 25-minute interview ran about 40 minutes, to air it in Denver we needed to air it over two programs. To keep the flow, we decided to limit our "stop the tape" comments to just once per broadcast.

So you stopped it twice, but only because of time limitations? I get the sense that you aren't particularly interested in honest discourse, but your motive here is to make yourself look good, when you have control of the medium of discussion.

MM, how about his:
- "What's a person?"
- "What's an atheist?"
- "What's Darwinism?"
And he never heard of scientists proposing that aliens might have seeded life on Earth even though it's been discussed for a half century starting with the co-discoverer of DNA?

I can't really comment on this because I do not have the full tape.

Can you consider that this is shtick that evolutionists use? It's like Eugenie (Junk) Scott stumbling over a request for "evidence"

If I recall correctly she had a lecture talking about exactly this, the problem is Creationists reject so much of established science, what would a creationist even consider evidence? If a creationist requests evidence for evolution, and we point to radiometric dating of fossils, he/she may reject that as evidence because the Creationist is not convinced radiometric dating works, and we might point out that radiometric dating correlates with fossil chronology in the geologic column, the creationist may reject that still contending that order in the geologic column isn't laid down in chronological order, but in order of density, and this can continue for awhile. Creationists reject so much of mainstream science, it's difficult to know what they would even recognize as evidence, as they can simply reject any scientific evidence on a whim. So it's sort of pointless for a scientist to present scientific evidence of anything to a person who takes faith as precedence over scientific inquiry.

and AronRa asking incredulously, "What's neo-Darwinism?"

I would assume he was asking this because many creationists misuse this term as some kind of slight or pejorative term for evolution, not knowing it has an actual definition contrary to their usage.

MM, do scientists believe facts to be true? Not everyone does. I do. But I've encountered many atheists who don't.

I have yet to encounter a person who doesn't think their beliefs are supported by fact. This is really a non-point. We can safely assume you think your beliefs are true.