Race on Real Science Radio


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Race on Real Science Radio

This is the show from Friday July 10th, 2015

Bob Enyart: Charles Darwin was a racist. He indicated that blacks and others would be closer to apes than would Europeans. Whereas you come out of the racism of evolution into the light of day of science and scripture, you find out - whether you look at the Bible or you look at the human genome (our DNA) - we are all decendants of one group of people.

Matt Hasselblad: That is exactly right. And this is just one example of where science is finally catching up with what the Scriptures have been saying all along.


After Covenant Media's Matt and Mercy Hasselblad described the overt racism in India's cities, and with race-based turmoil fomenting in America, RSR was eager to discuss the origin of mankind with Early Earth Educators. Brian and Virginia Norman, educators with degrees in geology and theology, discuss genetics and the Bible's teaching that all nations have descended from one blood in contrast with the racism inherent in Charles Darwin's worldview. The Normans also discuss www.rsr.org/canaan, www.rsr.org/flood, and Brian's novel Early Earth Book 2 which Bob Enyart's son Michael is enjoying reading right now.