Purposed for His glory.


New member
There is nothing that exists that was not purposed by the Eternal Almighty. It pleased Him to provide mankind with contrasts. His providence and judgements utilize all things. Everything is at His disposal to be used for one end and one end alone, His glory.


New member
For my name’s sake!
For the sake of my praise!
For my own sake!
For my own sake!
How should my name be profaned!
My glory I will not give to another!

Isaiah 48:9-11


New member
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predetermined us unto the sonship by Yah Shua to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will. To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.


New member
Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of Elohim, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have staked and slain:


New member
The reason we can be sure that Elohim is able to keep all His promises is because Elohim is sovereign. He is in total control of all things. He created all things, and He orders all things. There is not a single thing in the universe that is not subject to Elohim. Everything and everyone must attend His purpose. Amen.

"Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and Yah Veh hath not done it?"


New member
If there was anything that is not under Elohim’s control, then whatever it is, can get in the way of Elohim fulfilling His promise. If Elohim makes a determinate promise to do something, yet there are some people around who are not controlled by Elohim, then those people could thwart His purposed and revealed promise. Elohim has to be in control of everything in time and eternity for the sake of His Name and His glory. Amen.


New member
Elohim actively blinds eyes and hardens hearts. So that they should not see nor understand and be converted. John 12:40 KJV


New member
If there was anything that is not under Elohim’s control, then whatever it is, can get in the way of Elohim fulfilling His promise. If Elohim makes a determinate promise to do something, yet there are some people around who are not controlled by Elohim, then those people could thwart His purposed and revealed promise. Elohim has to be in control of everything in time and eternity for the sake of His Name and His glory. Amen.
The actions of the hands of man are at their freedom. The atrocities by the hands of man are their own doing. What isn't of GOD will not thwart the will of GOD by any measurable amount whatsoever. That that doesn't abide in the Will will be cast out and replaced.

Peace friend

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New member
The actions of the hands of man are at their freedom. The atrocities by the hands of man are their own doing. What isn't of GOD will not thwart the will of GOD by any measurable amount whatsoever. That that doesn't abide in the Will will be cast out and replaced.

Peace friend

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There is no intent, thought, word or deed in time or eternity that has existed outside His will. You worship an idol of your own invention that bares no resemblance to the Eternal Almighty of the scriptures. Please keep your heresies off my threads.


New member
Elohim has clearly revealed in His Word exactly why He has chosen to have mercy on some and chosen to harden others: Elohim chooses to demonstrate His power and wrath in the reprobate so that those to whom He would show mercy might know that the riches of His glorious mercy found in Yah Shua Messiah alone, are what makes the vessels of mercy to differ from the vessels of wrath

(Romans 9:22-24).

"That He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy".


New member
"to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to Elohim, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by trust in Me." (Acts 26:18)

He opens eyes for His glory and He closes eyes for His glory.

In the salvation of a sinner His grace is glorified. In the destruction of sinners His justice and judgement are glorified. Amen.


New member
Isaiah 10:15
"Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood".​

Explanation, if explanation is necessary:

Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? How absurd and unreasonable a thing is it for thee, who art but an instrument in Elohim's hand, and canst do nothing without his leave and help, to blaspheme thy Lord and Master, who hath as great a power over thee, to manage thee as he pleaseth, as a man hath over the axe wherewith he heweth!

As if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up; or, as it is rendered in the margin, and by other interpreters, as if a rod should shake (i.e. shall pretend to shake, or should boast that it would or could shake; which may easily be understood out of the foregoing words) them that lift it up.

As if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood; as if a staff should forget that it was wood, and should pretend or attempt to lift up itself either without or against the man that moveth it; which is absurd in the very supposition of it, and were much more unreasonable in the practice. Nor are thy boasts less ridiculous. M. Poole

Be ever so very careful if you find yourself denying the Sovereign Right and Power of Elohim over all things and all men for His glory. The above verse shows forth your stupidity in doing so. H.


New member
Only an exceedingly confused individual would claim all horrid atrocities ever done by man were all ordained by GOD.

May GOD guide us all.

Please do not call me a heretic just because you don't agree with me.


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New member
Only an exceedingly confused individual would claim all horrid atrocities ever done by man were all ordained by GOD.

May GOD guide us all.

Please do not call me a heretic just because you don't agree with me.


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You deny the Absolute Sovereign will and power of the Eternal Almighty of all that He created and sustains. That alone makes you an heretic. It pollutes everything you think, say and do. You hate the truth and despise the messengers of truth. You are in the domain of darkness and will remain there unless the very Light you deny shines in. As I said, keep your heretical views off my threads.


New member
…according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will,

…For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

...The council of Yah Veh standethh eternally, the fabrications of His heart generation to generation.


New member
You deny the Absolute Sovereign will and power of the Eternal Almighty of all that He created and sustains. That alone makes you an heretic. It pollutes everything you think, say and do. You hate the truth and despise the messengers of truth. You are in the domain of darkness and will remain there unless the very Light you deny shines in. As I said, keep your heretical views off my threads.
I deny no thing but that you have any idea whatsoever about what I know or believe.

You should really watch your words in regards of the faith of another.

I will ask you one time to stop lying about me and stop assuming my own beliefs based on your own confused perception.

I wish mercy upon your soul and guidance for your heart.


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New member
GOD is sovereign over all things.

It is apparent that the freedom of choice man exhibits is too the will of GOD. That is not to say that the evil and greed of man is too aligned with the will of GOD.


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New member
Your needless contention and haughty accusations even after my pleas and explanation that I do actually agree about GOD's sovereign will is only proof of your own obvious misdirection.

It changes nothing though, in regards to my own wish for you, and i alike; that being the mercy and guidance of our GOD.


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New member
Your needless contention and haughty accusations even after my pleas and explanation that I do actually agree about GOD's sovereign will is only proof of your own obvious misdirection.

It changes nothing though, in regards to my own wish for you, and i alike; that being the mercy and guidance of our GOD.


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Your words are meaningless, because they are tainted with darkness. The god you worship is not the Eternal Almighty, but an idol of your imagination. I don't recognise your idol and I wouldn't dream of calling you brother. So please don't use the term "our", because it doesn't include me.