


Today is Shlishli (Shlishli means third, it is the third day of the week), 10-29 (the tenth month, the twenty-ninth day of the month), until sundown, the last day of the month. It is Yom, Day.

I read through Proverbs this month. Someone I know asked on Facebook sometime last month if anyone reads Proverbs so I decided to do it. My Bible is a New King James Version so that is what I read from this month. I am a citizen of the United States of America from birth. I grew up with the New American Standard Version or the New American Standard Bible. It is a word-for-word translation. Many like the New King James Version for similar reasons. This Bible was a gift to me from my uncle. I am of Israel in that I observe the Torah with the people and nation of Israel, Am Yisrael, though I have never been to Israel. I am a proselyte and a convert to both Israel and Judaism. It is my belief that the new covenant for the house of Israel and the house of Judah God's law written on minds and hearts came in Yeshua HaMashiach who died for us for the forgiveness of our sins.

Anyhow, does anyone want to comment on Proverbs? Do you do a similar thing with your reading, such as trying to read one chapter per day? I read on the Jewish Calendar since that is what I observe. What can you comment on? Something you have learned from Proverbs (perhaps)?

