Proselytism Among Christians is a Grave Sin


[Proselytism Among Christians is a Grave Sin | Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] :eek:linger: "Pope Francis has created a new sin by daring to say "every form of proselytism among Christians is sinful." This is his latest effort to push his ecumenical agenda and to protect his 1.2 billion Catholics from being evangelized by Christians with the true Gospel. He thinks Christian unity is "a path" of walking together with Jesus despite theological differences. Ignoring the fact that Catholics and Christians believe a different Gospel, the pope said, "Proselytism among Christians, therefore, in itself, is a grave sin." When asked why, he said, "Because it contradicts the very dynamic of how to become and to remain Christian." In other words, the pope is seeking to prevent God's people from making disciples by teaching them to observe everything Christ has commanded (Mat. 28:18-20). Proselytism, which the pope calls a grave sin, is defined as the act of attempting to convert people to another faith. Read more."


The jesuit pope does what he wants!

All :eek:linger: CathOlics :freak: do (Jud 11, Ro 8:13). :idunno:
