

New member
“Restoration of the Papacy” The Signs of the Times 12, 29, pp. 455, 456.
IN Daniel 7:21, 22, we read: “I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” These are the closing words of Daniel’s inquiry of the angel about the truth of the fourth beast, and of the horns which were in his head, and of the other one before whom three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots, and they apply to that one of which he said he had a mouth which spoke great things, and whose look was more stout than his fellows. SITI July 29, 1886, p. 455.1
The specifications that are given in regard to this power are such that they absolutely fix to the Papacy the application of the prophecy. It is established after the development of the ten kingdoms, and upon the ruin of three of them; it speaks great words against the Most High; it wears out the saints of the Most High; thinks “to change the times and the law” of the Most High; and this dominion and power were to be held for “a time and times, and half a time,“ - 1260 years, - when the dominion should be taken away. But though the dominion was to be taken away “to consume and to destroy it unto the end,” it appears that the power of persecution, - of making war upon the saints, - is only checked, or suspended, for a season, because, says the prophet, “The same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High.” SITI July 29, 1886, p. 455.2

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New member
“Restoration of the Papacy” The Signs of the Times 12, 29, pp. 455, 456.
IN Daniel 7:21, 22, we read: “I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” These are the closing words of Daniel’s inquiry of the angel about the truth of the fourth beast, and of the horns which were in his head, and of the other one before whom three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots, and they apply to that one of which he said he had a mouth which spoke great things, and whose look was more stout than his fellows. SITI July 29, 1886, p. 455.1
The specifications that are given in regard to this power are such that they absolutely fix to the Papacy the application of the prophecy. It is established after the development of the ten kingdoms, and upon the ruin of three of them; it speaks great words against the Most High; it wears out the saints of the Most High; thinks “to change the times and the law” of the Most High; and this dominion and power were to be held for “a time and times, and half a time,“ - 1260 years, - when the dominion should be taken away. But though the dominion was to be taken away “to consume and to destroy it unto the end,” it appears that the power of persecution, - of making war upon the saints, - is only checked, or suspended, for a season, because, says the prophet, “The same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High.” SITI July 29, 1886, p. 455.2

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This is like the other plagiarisms you wrote in your threads "oh man of sin" and "history of church". In those threads you gave absolutely no credit to the original authors. At least in this one you included the page number at the top but it is not enough. Just give credit where credit is due because the original author put a lot of time into their writings and deserves to be cited.

This is taken from the book "Sign of the Times" by Ellen White


New member
This is like the other plagiarisms you wrote in your threads "oh man of sin" and "history of church". In those threads you gave absolutely no credit to the original authors. At least in this one you included the page number at the top but it is not enough. Just give credit where credit is due because the original author put a lot of time into their writings and deserves to be cited.

This is taken from the book "Sign of the Times" by Ellen White
If you can read it full them I could have given it to you. OK. This is none copyright and intellectual properties...why then pasting Bible isn't plagiarism?

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New member
If you can read it full them I could have given it to you. OK. This is none copyright and intellectual properties...why then pasting Bible isn't plagiarism?

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Because there is a law that you cannot take another person's intellectual property without citing it. After 50 years that private intellectual property becomes what is called "Public Domain". The Bible was written over 50 years ago so it is Public Domain. But some of the newer translations that were written and translated less that 50 years ago are still Private Intellectual Property and they SHOULD be cited.


New member
Just avoid the problem and write the authors name at the bottom of the quote you are going to cite. Because technically, if the original author wanted to they COULD sue you for using their Private Intellectual Property that has been Publicly Published. (it is unlikely for this circumstance but it happens ALL the time. ) Plus it is just basic courtesy to give the author credit for their work. They put in a ton of time and research to write their book or article or anything else and they deserve to be given credit it is just honest and decent courtesy.


New member
Because there is a law that you cannot take another person's intellectual property without citing it. After 50 years that private intellectual property becomes what is called "Public Domain". The Bible was written over 50 years ago so it is Public Domain. But some of the newer translations that were written and translated less that 50 years ago are still Private Intellectual Property and they SHOULD be cited.
This is for public domain too. If there be a radio for common good, better all to listen to it and be informed.

The question should have been how, where, credibility. For all are trustworthy truth

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New member
Just avoid the problem and write the authors name at the bottom of the quote you are going to cite. Because technically, if the original author wanted to they COULD sue you for using their Private Intellectual Property that has been Publicly Published. (it is unlikely for this circumstance but it happens ALL the time. ) Plus it is just basic courtesy to give the author credit for their work. They put in a ton of time and research to write their book or article or anything else and they deserve to be given credit it is just honest and decent courtesy.
Because am sure none can sure me in it. Its the will of God. In God none will for its of a common goal. None hides light

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New member
This is for public domain too. If there be a radio for common good, better all to listen to it and be informed.

The question should have been how, where, credibility. For all are trustworthy truth

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I don't understand what you are trying to say. But it doesn't matter if we like it or not it is the law. Plus if you read the rules of TOL you will see that one of the rules for posting on this site is "do not plagiarize" so it the rule for private intellectual property in the world and on TOL


New member
I don't understand what you are trying to say. But it doesn't matter if we like it or not it is the law. Plus if you read the rules of TOL you will see that one of the rules for posting on this site is "do not plagiarize" so it the rule for private intellectual property in the world and on TOL
Ok. Less issues I suppose. Let's change topic please if you can.

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New member
Because am sure none can sure me in it. Its the will of God. In God none will for its of a common goal. None hides light

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There is NOTHING wrong with posting the words of somebody else. Go ahead and quote whoever you want. You can write someone else's words you can copy and paste anything from anywhere but the only rule is give the original author credit. nobody is telling you cannot post what you want. if you think it is important for the world to know then post away . The only rule is, if it not YOUR original thought then you must say where you got it from that is all.


New member
Hahaha. Ok

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One last thing... you have many more posts on here that are plagerized.. I just saw one about "the son of the devil" and I am sure you have many others you you should go to your posts and add the name of the author and the book or website that you got it from... just to avoid any more problems


New member
There is NOTHING wrong with posting the words of somebody else. Go ahead and quote whoever you want. You can write someone else's words you can copy and paste anything from anywhere but the only rule is give the original author credit. nobody is telling you cannot post what you want. if you think it is important for the world to know then post away . The only rule is, if it not YOUR original thought then you must say where you got it from that is all.
Ok. Thanks

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[MENTION=19691]IsaacKingsley[/MENTION] Please do not copy paste stuff on this forum.
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