Pro Life Tips


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What are some 'pro life tips' that you've learned? Share them here. I posted in 'Religion' because there's no limit to the scope of the 'pro life tip.'

('Pro' modifies 'life tips.' I don't mean anti-abortion by 'pro life tips.' That would be 'pro-life tips.' That's not what I mean.)

The idea here is to help other people with common challenges. :)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Uncoated paper plates are very inexpensive & disposable, and handy for a number of things in the kitchen. You can write notes on them, you can cover food for microwave reheating (upside down usually), you can use them for a place to keep utensils you're using while cooking (instead of on a plate or right on the counter). Last night I cut a slot out of one, and placed it over a hot bowl of food, with the fork already in the bowl (the slot was for the fork).

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... you can cover food for microwave reheating (upside down usually)...

discovered this last winter - i run a dry kitchen half of the year, so a lot of my food prep is done with ease of clean-up in mind.

I take a specific bowl that's about five inches in diameter, with high sides, put a paper plate on top, then take a slightly larger bowl and jam it down over the paper plate and the smaller bowl. That deforms the plate (comes out looking like a coffee filter) and contains any mess

also, i keep a box of disposable gloves in the kitchen (and in my three shop areas) for handling of raw meat or anything messy


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
discovered this last winter - i run a dry kitchen half of the year, so a lot of my food prep is done with ease of clean-up in mind.

I take a specific bowl that's about five inches in diameter, with high sides, put a paper plate on top, then take a slightly larger bowl and jam it down over the paper plate and the smaller bowl. That deforms the plate (comes out looking like a coffee filter) and contains any mess
Folded up accordingly, paper plates can also be for fashioning an ad hoc, makeshift, serviceable, single-use flyswatter. Single use when fly guts are involved, isn't a bad thing.
also, i keep a box of disposable gloves in the kitchen (and in my three shop areas) for handling of raw meat or anything messy
Working with hamburger makes my hands very greasy. That's tallow all over my palms and finger pads, it's very fatty like oil, but it's solid so it's more like butter, but it will not come off in water.

So when I work with hamburger, I remove my wedding ring first. It's easier to wash up afterward if I don't have the ring on my finger during.

Don't lose it.

Then when washing my hands, I use a lot of dish soap, and then rinse it off. This washes off the tallow, but it leaves my hands with a residue of some sort that I can feel.

So then I wash my hands again, and this time with hand soap. This second wash washes off the dish soap residue, and then my hands feel normal again.

Put the ring back on.


New member
What are some 'pro life tips' that you've learned? Share them here. I posted in 'Religion' because there's no limit to the scope of the 'pro life tip.'

('Pro' modifies 'life tips.' I don't mean anti-abortion by 'pro life tips.' That would be 'pro-life tips.' That's not what I mean.)

The idea here is to help other people with common challenges. :)
This needs to be moved to the "... and The Rest" forum.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
This needs to be moved to the "... and The Rest" forum.
As I said in the OP, "I posted in 'Religion' because there's no limit to the scope of the 'pro life tip.'" That includes tips on religion.

Here's one: If you don't know what to do with your life, and you don't have the time or the desire to study every possible option, just believe that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead, and go to Catholic Mass.


New member
Uncoated paper plates are very inexpensive & disposable, and handy for a number of things in the kitchen. You can write notes on them, you can cover food for microwave reheating (upside down usually), you can use them for a place to keep utensils you're using while cooking (instead of on a plate or right on the counter). Last night I cut a slot out of one, and placed it over a hot bowl of food, with the fork already in the bowl (the slot was for the fork).
Do not put a metal fork in a bowl of food you are reheating in the microwave.
22 second video


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Women, you all should learn how to shoot. You should acquire guns, and you should carry them, and that's all because you should learn how to shoot. Once you know how to shoot, you need to carry guns, and that means you needs to possess guns, and that you need to learn how to carry guns. It's tricky, in most states, because in order to carry guns with permission, you need to hide them. It's called 'concealed carry,' and you need a 'permit' in many states to do it, and it's illicit to carry guns 'openly,' which is, not hiding that you're carrying; again, in most states.

Guns are like miniature but fully operational artillery pieces, and artillery works by bombarding an aggressive target until that target is disabled or destroyed. Learn how to shoot like how artillery works.

Vote NRA. If the NRA has 'graded' a candidate an 'A,' then the odds are good that the candidate is going to fight for your right to defend yourself, your children, your friends, and any other innocent people who are attacked by murderers or rapists.

If you're a Democrat, eventually, the Democrats will get the message, and we'll start to see Democrats with Democrat values, who also value your right to defend your own babies against murderers and rapists, who continue to live among us here in America, despite our outlawing murder and rape as capital crimes.

Bradley D

Well-known member
As for Pro-life. When someone tells me they are for abortion. I tell them I'm for being responsible for your actions. So far that has shut them up.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Women, you all should learn how to shoot. You should acquire guns, and you should carry them, and that's all because you should learn how to shoot. Once you know how to shoot, you need to carry guns, and that means you needs to possess guns, and that you need to learn how to carry guns. It's tricky, in most states, because in order to carry guns with permission, you need to hide them. It's called 'concealed carry,' and you need a 'permit' in many states to do it, and it's illicit to carry guns 'openly,' which is, not hiding that you're carrying; again, in most states.

Guns are like miniature but fully operational artillery pieces, and artillery works by bombarding an aggressive target until that target is disabled or destroyed. Learn how to shoot like how artillery works.

Vote NRA. If the NRA has 'graded' a candidate an 'A,' then the odds are good that the candidate is going to fight for your right to defend yourself, your children, your friends, and any other innocent people who are attacked by murderers or rapists.

If you're a Democrat, eventually, the Democrats will get the message, and we'll start to see Democrats with Democrat values, who also value your right to defend your own babies against murderers and rapists, who continue to live among us here in America, despite our outlawing murder and rape as capital crimes.
AMR posted this link in the chat box.

Women (and men who love them), the answer to your conundrum is weaponry. I know I sound alarmist. But read your own words. You are alarmists, and for good reason. Weapons, are your solution. Until such a time as men can all behave themselves better, weapons are required.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Women, you all should learn how to shoot.
You should acquire guns, and you should carry them, and that's all because you should learn how to shoot. Once you know how to shoot, you need to carry guns, and that means you needs to possess guns, and that you need to learn how to carry guns. It's tricky, in most states, because in order to carry guns with permission, you need to hide them. It's called 'concealed carry,' and you need a 'permit' in many states to do it, and it's illicit to carry guns 'openly,' which is, not hiding that you're carrying; again, in most states.

Guns are like miniature but fully operational artillery pieces, and artillery works by bombarding an aggressive target until that target is disabled or destroyed. Learn how to shoot like how artillery works.

Vote NRA. If the NRA has 'graded' a candidate an 'A,' then the odds are good that the candidate is going to fight for your right to defend yourself, your children, your friends, and any other innocent people who are attacked by murderers or rapists.

If you're a Democrat, eventually, the Democrats will get the message, and we'll start to see Democrats with Democrat values, who also value your right to defend your own babies against murderers and rapists, who continue to live among us here in America, despite our outlawing murder and rape as capital crimes.
Women, I really appreciate you all. You are my sisters. We are equal.

The AR-15 is a rifle or a carbine.
A carbine is a shorter barreled rifle, they are functionally identical.

A rifle when you shoot it generates recoil, which is the 'kick' or 'bounce' that guns do when they shoot. This feels like someone whacking the end of the muzzle of the gun with a dead blow hammer (a hollow plastic hammer partially filled with shot). A 12-gauge shotgun's recoil feels like a 2-3 lb sledge hitting your muzzle.

The AR-15 feels far gentler than the 12-gauge, because the AR's standard round doesn't generate as much recoil, and more significantly, there is the functional equivalent of a car's shock absorber, between 'the hammer hitting your muzzle,' and your shoulder. It's dramatically cushioned, when firing the most popular 5.56 NATO round, which is sometimes called '.223,' which is a caliber and a serial number, it's a .22 caliber bullet, and this is different from the other very similar round, but not identical, '.222.' 5.56 is a measurement of caliber in millimeters, so 5.56 mm is a little more than half a centimeter, and there are 2.54 centimeters in an inch, so 5.56 mm is almost a fifth of an inch. Is it 0.22 inches? 5.56/25.4 = 0.21889 truncated. So it rounds to 0.22.

So anyway the AR-15 in its most popular chambering, which is the gun's mated ammunition, is technically 'a twenty-two,' because it's 0.22 caliber, but when anybody says 'a .22,' they're not talking about an AR-15 chambered in 5.56, they're talking about a Ruger 10/22 or a target handgun.

There is also a Ruger Mini-14 which I much prefer to the 10/22.

At the minimum, you should own an AR-15 with the largest capacity magazines that you can legally* procure. * Depends on your state.

Unless you live in a state that restricts magazine capacity, you should be able to find standard issue capacity magazines, 20-30 rounds.

Load your magazines and keep them loaded. If you sell them, sell them loaded. There's nothing more tragic than the thought of any innocent person ever in the world, ever, ever, who finds your magazine(s), only to then die or be raped, because they were empty. In actuality, the Sunderland Springs armed civilian who used his gun defensively against that terrorist, didn't keep his magazines loaded, so he was running from his home to the church building, having to load his magazines from the loose rounds he had in boxes, right next to his magazines in his safe. This choice probably cost lives, since he couldn't get to the church as quickly, due to him having to load his empty magazines.

Just load them.
The springs may in 100 years decide that they would have lasted a hundred more, if you gave them a break every so often, but you've got time to worry about that. Just keep them loaded. You can keep your gun unloaded, I get it, when it's safely stored. But don't have empty magazines. The only time an empty mag is what you'd prefer, is when you're selling them, so I say, anticipate that if you sell them, you're going to sell them full, just because you respect the other person you're selling them to. You don't want them to tragically die only because their newly bought magazines were empty instead of loaded.
Ammunition is almost fungible. There are 'corrosive' rounds you want to stay away from. But other than that, ammunition's kind of like gasoline. There are big brands who sell a lot of rounds, and there are smaller brands who sell fewer, but they'll all work, so long as it's the mated ammunition for your gun.
A 5.56 NATO gun needs that same ammunition. The .223 or .222 ammunition is not mated to the 5.56 gun. It will fit in and the gun will cycle, but it is the wrong ammunition. It's like using diesel instead of unleaded gasoline.
You don't need special optics, but they are worth investigating for your own advantage.
Particularly there are 'dot sites,' sometimes it's a red dot, and you look through the optic, and it puts a dot on where the gun is pointing at, so it makes it very easy to acquire your site picture, which is what you're looking at when you're pointing your gun at a target.
To get a gun is a major investment. You have made yourself more dangerous. You're investing your current status as 'unarmed,' in the hope that being armed is better, all other things being equal.
Know that in comparison to this investment, of no longer being unarmed, the monetary investment needed to get the safe you're comfortable with, plus a thousand rounds of mated ammunition, and the rifle or carbine, and any accessories, should be determined based on this being a big one-time purchase.
Some people really wind up enjoying shooting as a hobby, and they enjoy guns as mechanics enjoy cars. Those are not the NRA. The NRA are the people who believe we shouldn't be bothered by the police if we want to get a hotrod. We should be able to get whatever kind of car strikes our fancy.
But I digress. :D Don't scrimp, get quality. It's not hard to do so, there are many good quality AR-15s available from a variety of manufacturers, most made right in the USA. Magazines should be quality, so determine how to determine that, and make sure they're quality, because magazines that are empty are useless, and magazines that don't work are useless. You invest in quality magazines.

Get 1000 rounds of mated ammunition.
The lower cost on the big brand's bulk boxes adds up over 1000 rounds, but if you can easily afford more expensive, superior rounds to those, then by all means. Get 1000 rounds, get a quality AR-15, get a safe you're comfortable with.

A safe can be as simple as a small closet with a keyed doorknob. Or you can spend hundreds and hundreds, or just hundreds, on a gun safe. Or something else,
just obey the law. Keep loaded guns away from kids/people who don't know how to use a gun.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Just before flossing your teeth, rinse your mouth with mouthwash. This loosens the plaque on your teeth, and then flossing is more effective.

Also, you should floss. It's linked with general good health statistically. I don't know if they've positively determined why flossing your teeth contributes to overall good health, but the link is there regardless of why it occurs. Flossing = better health than not flossing. So, floss.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
When reheating food in the microwave, if it isn't soup, trickle some water on the food, and then cover it with an un coated paper plate (mentioned in an earlier post), and turn it on. The little bit more water will help to heat the food more evenly than if you just put it in the oven without a little extra water.


New member