Pro-Life Groups Embrace Bill Ensuring Food and Water at End of Life


[Pro-Life Groups Embrace Bill Ensuring Food and Water at End of Life Austin] "Demonstrating notable unity, the pro-life community today came together in support of HB 3074, which requires the provision of artificial nutrition and hydration for patients who wish it, unless the provision of food and water causes harm to the patient.

The Texas Alliance for Life, the Texans for Life Committee, Texas Right to Life, and Texas Catholic Conference all signed onto the legislation, authored by state Rep. Drew Springer (R-Muenster) and committed to work to see the bill through passage in both the Texas House and Senate and encourage the signature of Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Here is a copy of the signed agreement.

"This is a refreshing and inspiring collaboration for groups committed to the protection of life," said Kyleen Wright, president of Texans for Life Committee. "I am indeed proud to have been part of the effort to forge this important consensus."

"We are honored to be a part of this agreement among these pro-life groups," said Joe Pojman, Ph.D., executive director of Texas Alliance for Life. "Mothers, unborn babies, and vulnerable patients deserve no less."

Current law provides no criteria for when and how a decision to remove artificially administered nutrition and hydration may occur.

"It was essential for legislators to establish strict and clear rules for the rare circumstances in which a doctor may have to consider withholding food and water because it exacerbates the suffering or brings about the death of a patient," said Jeffery Patterson, Ph.D., executive director of the Texas Catholic Conference.

The bill is expected to passed through the House State Affairs Committee shortly after the agreement was signed. It is expected to be on the floor of Texas House as early as next week." Pro-Life Groups Embrace Bill Ensuring Food and Water at End of Life

Even the jackals present their breasts To nurse their young; But the daughter of my people is cruel, Like ostriches in the wilderness. The tongue of the infant clings to the roof of its mouth for thirst; The young children ask for bread, But no one breaks it for them (La 4:3-4).


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[Pro-Life Groups Embrace Bill Ensuring Food and Water at End of Life Austin] "Demonstrating notable unity, the pro-life community today came together in support of HB 3074, which requires the provision of artificial nutrition and hydration for patients who wish it, unless the provision of food and water causes harm to the patient.

The Texas Alliance for Life, the Texans for Life Committee, Texas Right to Life, and Texas Catholic Conference all signed onto the legislation, authored by state Rep. Drew Springer (R-Muenster) and committed to work to see the bill through passage in both the Texas House and Senate and encourage the signature of Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Here is a copy of the signed agreement.

"This is a refreshing and inspiring collaboration for groups committed to the protection of life," said Kyleen Wright, president of Texans for Life Committee. "I am indeed proud to have been part of the effort to forge this important consensus."

"We are honored to be a part of this agreement among these pro-life groups," said Joe Pojman, Ph.D., executive director of Texas Alliance for Life. "Mothers, unborn babies, and vulnerable patients deserve no less."

Current law provides no criteria for when and how a decision to remove artificially administered nutrition and hydration may occur.

"It was essential for legislators to establish strict and clear rules for the rare circumstances in which a doctor may have to consider withholding food and water because it exacerbates the suffering or brings about the death of a patient," said Jeffery Patterson, Ph.D., executive director of the Texas Catholic Conference.

The bill is expected to passed through the House State Affairs Committee shortly after the agreement was signed. It is expected to be on the floor of Texas House as early as next week." Pro-Life Groups Embrace Bill Ensuring Food and Water at End of Life

Even the jackals present their breasts To nurse their young; But the daughter of my people is cruel, Like ostriches in the wilderness. The tongue of the infant clings to the roof of its mouth for thirst; The young children ask for bread, But no one breaks it for them (La 4:3-4).

It is truly lamentable that such a bill must be introduced in the first place.
Most often those who are dying will reach a point wherein they can no longer chew or swallow food but they can handle ice chips and liquid drizzled across their lips. Compassion demands that we treat the living as alive for as long as they draw breath.
Good post! Thanks