Pro-life activism

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Truth Hunter said:
Why doesn't the organized pro-life movement publicly push for more "loving alternatives" from the government, like federally funded orphanages or something. The cry to ban is important, but the cry for alternatives maybe more effective.
I started
a new thread to respond to this. Would it be possible for a moderator to move the exchange between Imrahil and Truth Hunter to the new thread?
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deardelmar said:
Anyone here know of contacts in Northern Indiana or Southern Michigan?
Try emailing TOLer Chance. He lives somewhere between South Bend and Fort Wayne and he's very active in the pro-life movement. I wouldn't PM him because he's not here on TOL very much.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Jefferson said:
Try emailing TOLer Chance. He lives somewhere between South Bend and Fort Wayne and he's very active in the pro-life movement. I wouldn't PM him because he's not here on TOL very much.
Thanks for the info :up:


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Jefferson said:
Try emailing TOLer Chance. He lives somewhere between South Bend and Fort Wayne and he's very active in the pro-life movement. I wouldn't PM him because he's not here on TOL very much.
I Spoke with Chance this morning. His response was...
chance said:
I will gladly help you get involved in some serious pro-life activism.

Now here is my challenge to those of you, who like myself, are pro life but have never taken the time to really get evolved. October is national Right to Life month. Who among you is willing to commit to making some sort of active step toward getting involved with the saving of unborn babies by the month of October 2005?
Please feel free to use this thread to network and brainstorm on ways to make this happen!


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I'm willing, but unless I no longer have a job, I won't have the time. I've tried to have time for years, but I've found that I only have time on vacation.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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I talked to somone at Pro-life action leage this morning. We are planning Saturday day trip to a Chicago abortion clinic in October.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Yorzhik said:
I'm willing, but unless I no longer have a job, I won't have the time. I've tried to have time for years, but I've found that I only have time on vacation.
No guilt intended brother Hedgehog! It's about finding what will fit into you schedule.


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deardelmar said:
I talked to somone at Pro-life action leage this morning. We are planning Saturday day trip to a Chicago abortion clinic in October.



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Lotsa talking, not enough demonstrating.
Abortion clinics are everywhere. You probably drive past one every day. Just stop for half an hour.

Army of One

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deardelmar said:
Now here is my challenge to those of you, who like myself, are pro life but have never taken the time to really get evolved. October is national Right to Life month. Who among you is willing to commit to making some sort of active step toward getting involved with the saving of unborn babies by the month of October 2005?

Please feel free to use this thread to network and brainstorm on ways to make this happen!
I'll take that challenge. I did some looking around online a couple days ago, and I really didn't find too much info on Pro-Life activism in my area. I did find a name of a Pastor in Pittsburgh (Parente) that is involved with OSA, but didn't see any to contact him. I'm going to have to look a little harder.

If anyone on here can point me in the right direction, it will be greatly appreciated.


New member
I'm actually a tad envious. I'm very passionate about the pro-life cause... to the extent that I have a genuine concern I'd do something inappropriate and damaging to the cause if I worked in that ministry. I just get too emotional about it. So, I am called to another ministry (street evangelism, see the link), and I support the war against abortion from the sidelines.

I did, however, go to the clinic protest downtown, and I'm very glad I did. I really appreciate the opportunity to see it firsthand, and talk to some of the mothers who were turned around by Bob's church. (The waitress at the place we at for lunch was one, in fact!) Praise God for such miracles of the heart!

I'm thankful every single day for those who are in the trenches and on the front lines of this battle. God bless the livin' heck out of all of ya.


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Army of One said:
I'll take that challenge. I did some looking around online a couple days ago, and I really didn't find too much info on Pro-Life activism in my area. I did find a name of a Pastor in Pittsburgh (Parente) that is involved with OSA, but didn't see any to contact him. I'm going to have to look a little harder.

If anyone on here can point me in the right direction, it will be greatly appreciated.
Try here
People Concerned For-Unborn
(412) 531-9272


Patron Saint of SMACK
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RightIdea said:
I'm actually a tad envious. I'm very passionate about the pro-life cause... to the extent that I have a genuine concern I'd do something inappropriate and damaging to the cause if I worked in that ministry. I just get too emotional about it. So, I am called to another ministry (street evangelism, see the link), and I support the war against abortion from the sidelines.

I did, however, go to the clinic protest downtown, and I'm very glad I did. I really appreciate the opportunity to see it firsthand, and talk to some of the mothers who were turned around by Bob's church. (The waitress at the place we at for lunch was one, in fact!) Praise God for such miracles of the heart!

I'm thankful every single day for those who are in the trenches and on the front lines of this battle. God bless the livin' heck out of all of ya.
You could try Jefferson's aproach.
Jefferson said:
You might want to consider doing what I do. Purchase a 4 foot by 8 foot "Abortion Malachi" sign HERE.

Then find a friend who is willing to hold the other end of it for you. Then find an overpass over an interstate near you that has a public sidewalk on each side of the overpass.

Army of One

New member
deardelmar said:
Try here
People Concerned For-Unborn
(412) 531-9272
Thanks for the link, DD. PCUC was actually the group that I was going to look up next. As I stated before, I used to be a member, but had a falling out with them as a result some of the compromises that they have made in endorsing certain political candidates that were not truly Pro-Life. But that disagreement would not prevent me from working with, and standing beside them as they protest. I just took a look at their web site, and they have a great deal of info on regularly scheduled protests in my area (even a monthly protest within 10 minutes of my house). So thanks again. :thumb:


New member
deardelmar said:
You could try Jefferson's aproach.
Thanks for the info! Doing a sign on a bridge is further than I'm willing to go, I'm afraid. (And not because I'm shy, either... If you knew the street evangelism I do, you'd know what I mean. We're fairly confrontational.) I'm just wary of incrementalism, to be honest. And I don't want to go down that road until I have more peace about it.

The cards, however, maybe something within my grasp. Thanks again!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
RightIdea said:
Thanks for the info! Doing a sign on a bridge is further than I'm willing to go, I'm afraid. (And not because I'm shy, either... If you knew the street evangelism I do, you'd know what I mean. We're fairly confrontational.) I'm just wary of incrementalism, to be honest. And I don't want to go down that road until I have more peace about it.

The cards, however, maybe something within my grasp. Thanks again! is GREAT BTW! You are fighting on a different front of the same war!


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deardelmar said: is GREAT BTW! You are fighting on a different front of the same war!
Thanks muchly!

Yes, we consider ourselves "shock troops" in the war for truth. We are missionaries to the backward, pagan culture of America. One of our mottos is:

"If you won't challenge what you believe... we'll do it for you."


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RightIdea said:
Thanks for the info! Doing a sign on a bridge is further than I'm willing to go, I'm afraid. (And not because I'm shy, either... If you knew the street evangelism I do, you'd know what I mean. We're fairly confrontational.) I'm just wary of incrementalism, to be honest. And I don't want to go down that road until I have more peace about it.

The cards, however, maybe something within my grasp. Thanks again!
You might want to consider putting the cards in library books. One or 2 books per shelf so the staff, upon learning of their existence, will not know which books contain the cards. I've done this before with gospel tracts. I've distributed about 1,000 gospel tracts this way.
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