Pro-Choice Scott McGinnis & Jane Norton

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Pro-Choice Scott McGinnis & Jane Norton

This is the show from Tuesday March 16th, 2010.

[Jane Norton] needs to learn that she is expendable when it comes to her political career versus countless children who have their arms and legs ripped off. Norton is expendable.
Do you know what an exception is when Jane Norton says she has exceptions? An exception is a child who is going to be dismembered. An exception is a child who is going to be killed.


* See Colorado Right To Life's Blog: for information on Ken Buck and many other Colorado politicians who have endorsed personhood!

* R - Scott McGinnis Opposes Personhood: This Republican Colorado politician has never advocated for the God-given right to life of unborn children and to this day he refuses to support personhood. So please don't support Scott McGinnis.

* R - Jane Norton Opposes Personhood: This Republican Colorado politician has never advocated for the God-given right to life of unborn children and to this day she refuses to support personhood. So please don't support Jane Norton.

* R - Dan Maes: Maes has signed and endorsed Colorado's personhood amendment and has answered yes to six out of seven questions on Colorado RTL's Candidates' Questionnaire, but CRTL is attempting to help Dan realize that he must also oppose lethal research on the tiniest boys and girls (embryonic stem cell research), shich currently Dan supports. Please pray for Dan Maes in hopes of being able to support his candidacy in the future if he begins to oppose the intentional killing of all innocent children.

* Dude… Where’s My Petition? Petitioners for a ballot initiative challenging the authority of the LAPD to shut down so-called “medical marijuana dispensaries” failed to get enough signatures to make the ballot in California. Colorado Personhood circulators have set a goal to gather more than the 27,400 signatures the pot-heads were unable to muster!

* Barry’s Commie De Jour: When G. W. Bush created the Office of Faith Based & Neighborhood Partnerships we warned that the whole idea of giving churches a cut of welfare checks and turning pastors into the middlemen of government theft was wicked. Well, now Barry’s filled that office with a full-fledged, unrepentant communist.

* Caucus Coup de Tat: Bob’s co-host Doug McBurney is planning a coup at his local precinct caucus meeting, but insists he had nothing to do with the disappearance of his precincts two co-captains...

Personhood is the most important human rights movement of your lifetime. Will you be one who fights to end the systematic dehumanization and murder of an entire class of citizen? Or will you stay in your comfort zone? If you live in any state in America, you can advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways. If you live in Colorado join the "curing period" effort by calling or e-mailing Personhood Colorado or Colorado Right to Life and letting them know how many signatures you can get.

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