Do you present the Law with the gospel? The gospel is not the Law, but is it proper to use the Law or present the Law in your gospel presentation?
It makes sense to observe God's Law. But the Law won't save you, Jesus will.
Should we observe and present the Law?
When people remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, what are they doing?Christ and the disciples preached the keeping of God's commands in their New Covenant message. #4. Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. Now why would God concern Himself with people remembering what day His Sabbath is?
When people remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, what are they doing?
Exodus 20:8 NASB - 8 "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
How long have people been keeping the Sabbath?Reply: They are honoring God by keeping His command and not some tradition of man.
How long have people been keeping the Sabbath?
The age of mankind is about six thousand years.There have been people keeping the Sabbath for about six thousand years.
Would you say we should (observe and present the Law) or that we should not?Jesus remarked on the law such as in marriage and divorce. Jesus also criticized the Elders of living an outward observance of the law and not from the heart. Jesus also emphasized the two Great Commandments of Love God and Love Neighbor. If one lives by those two commandments one will be fulfilling the commandments.
I believe you are saying you accept as true what you believe to be a Christian view of the Law.I use the sacrificial law to understand Christs gospel and I use law in general to understand that all people are condemned to death apart from christ
Would you say we should (observe and present the Law) or that we should not?
Jesus remarked on the law such as in marriage and divorce. Jesus also criticized the Elders of living an outward observance of the law and not from the heart. Jesus also emphasized the two Great Commandments of Love God and Love Neighbor. If one lives by those two commandments one will be fulfilling the commandments.
We should talk more about this.The commandments tell me how I should live. Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but He fulfilled the law (Matthew 5:17-19). To me that means Jesus is the only person able to live according to the commandments perfectly. Because Jesus as the Son of God is sinless. Only through Jesus's blood will I be able to stand Judgment in His presence. The apostle Paul's epistles tell me that the law makes me aware of sin.
Well then, for the love of God do you keep His Sabbath?