Preparation for the Next:

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New member
This Thread is to prepare you for the next Thread which I think is the mystery of all mysteries.

I will keep it short, and if you have studied in accordance of Christ; you will see what I’m speaking about. – If not, you will remain in the dark as far as the mystery goes. – The blind will not see, and call me names and reject the mystery,
Those of you who consider yourselves well learned in the Scriptures; this is for you to consider without malice.

I will be speaking on the end of the world as I’ve been shown by the Spirit of the "Word"; not the letter of it. – I will use Scriptures such as -- Matthew 24:27 KJV -- and some others. - You should see from where I speak. -- Remember, “What is bound on earth, is bound in Heaven”, not the exact thing, but the thing, will be. – So, -- what was bound in heaven, when the things Jesus was speaking of in the Scriptures such as Mathew?

I will show you what the Star of Bethlehem was, and what it means for you today as a Christian; that is if you are a Christian and not among the lost.

I don’t care if you believe me or not. -- Study to show yourself approved of Christ.
It’s up to you to prove me wrong. - We’ve proved ourselves true.

I now say, “I am in the Spirit, and there is with me the Angel of God, whose I am and whom I serve”. -- Paul.

Paul – 101010
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