ECT Prager's Aside on Comings of Christ Reveals Judaism


Well-known member
On yesterday's broadcast, the talk show host and rabbi Prager made an aside about the comings of Christ/Messiah. It was only as an analogy about some other item in the news, but he said, 'if _____ was true, it would the 2nd coming for Christians--or the 1st for us in Judaism.'

It is easy to say, yes, they have a problem that way. But it is not easy for 2P2Ps to see their own problem in which they go back to what Judaism is expecting the 1st coming to be! That is not what I see in the NT at all. It is total fantasy. Anything Jesus said that comes close to that was merely borrowing an idea to help his apostles realize what they were in for. For ex:

"Can you drink the cup I'm going to drink?"
"We can"
"You will indeed! But to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father."

And of course, the mere asking for spots made the other indignant, because is entirely carnal to do so. It was not meant to happen 'literally.'


On yesterday's broadcast, the talk show host and rabbi Prager made an aside about the comings of Christ/Messiah. It was only as an analogy about some other item in the news, but he said, 'if _____ was true, it would the 2nd coming for Christians--or the 1st for us in Judaism.'

That's how they see it.
What's your point? Zech 12:10


Well-known member

2P2P is looking forward to what Judaism said would happen in the 1st coming. Having become a bit bored with the Gospel, they are trying to spice up the Bible a bit. Instead the Bible itself leaves that behind using the same pattern that was used in Hebrews about the sacrificial system.

And there can't be a restored Judaism without the sacrificial system.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
2P2P is looking forward to what Judaism said would happen in the 1st coming. Having become a bit bored with the Gospel, they are trying to spice up the Bible a bit. Instead the Bible itself leaves that behind using the same pattern that was used in Hebrews about the sacrificial system.

And there can't be a restored Judaism without the sacrificial system.


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Nope, you missed again.

First Coming (Spring feasts):

Unleavened Bread
First Fruits

Second Coming (Fall Feasts):

Day of Atonement

Why would IP the Great Scholar have us believe that Atonement #6 was fulfilled before Pentecost #4?

Is God the author of such confusion?


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why would IP the Great Scholar have us believe that Atonement #6 was fulfilled before Pentecost #4?

Is God the author of such confusion?


I reckon just like the book of Jude, named after John Lennon's son, followed the book of Joel, as the Beatles followed Billy Joel.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I think that IP fella is guilty of sheer Breenism...sheer Breenism is what it is, I tell ya.
He needs to go home, have a "Mr. Cookie Bar," chased by a "Huckleberry Smash," take a nap, and tune into a little, you guessed it...a one-a...a two-a...snap your fingers, TOL audience...Acapella...Acapella.....!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
He needs to go home, have a "Mr. Cookie Bar," chased by a "Huckleberry Smash," take a nap, and tune into a little, you guessed it...a one-a...a two-a...snap your fingers, TOL audience...Acapella...Acapella.....!

I think he needs a steak a la Morellia, and then sing a few verses of Santa Lucia with Gome.


Well-known member
Why would IP the Great Scholar have us believe that Atonement #6 was fulfilled before Pentecost #4?

Is God the author of such confusion?


because there is something wrong with such lists, usually is, because Hebrews says the Christ event is the day of atonement, and you are infected with 2P2P which makes lists rape the Bible for "order" and "sequence."


Well-known member
Intriguing how STPs footers are not about his own work or God's declarations, but put- downs to make him feel secure. Gal 6:4 anyone?


Well-known member
Intriguing how STPs footers are not his own work or God's declarations, but put downs to make him feel secure. Gal 6:4 anyone?

Since he intent on presenting everyone but himself as stupidly as possible, please note that Melchizedek preceded Aaron, and the New covenant is also eternal, and thus before the Old, which was only a shadow and copy and 'type' of the Reality that is IN CHRIST.