ECT Power: How Acts 1 answers the kingdom of Israel question


Well-known member
The proper answer to the question of a kingdom for Israel is in the word 'power' in 8. This is an administrative term. The apostles were to be 'instituted' by God through the Spirit who came that week. This is the total answer to 'a kingdom for Israel' which never was offered, never was the plan. The plan always was for the mission of Christ to get out to the nations, and he had 70 trained with experience in the villages of Israel by the time he launched them out to the nations.


Well-known member
Oh, come on, where are all these smart 2P2P brains when you challenge them? Power was bestowed through the Spirit for the kind of kingdom that was meant.

This is why Eph 4 reads that after Christ ascended on high, he gave gifts to men, and those gifts are how the church was to move forward.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Power: How Acts 1 answers the kingdom of Israel question

Of course you overlook the fact that we learn in the first chapter of Acts that the Apostles had been with the Lord Jesus for forty days while He tutored them on the things concerning the kingdom. Then they asked Him the following question:

"Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6).​

Of course if they were in error for thinking such a thing, then the Lord would have corrected them, especially since He was sending them out to preach the "gospel of the kingdom."

Instead, He only told them that they were not to know the time when it would happen. Common sense dictates that if the kingdom was never going to be restored to Israel then the Lord would have said nothing about the time it would happen.

Despite these facts you continue to cling to the delusion that you know more about the kingdom than did the Apostles. How much time did you spend learning about the things of the kingdom from the Lord Jesus in Person?


Well-known member
Jerry said:
Common sense dictates that if the kingdom was never going to be restored to Israel then the Lord would have said nothing about the time it would happen.

EXACTLY!!! HE DIDN'T!!! He had already taught 'you won't say 'here it is or there it is'!!! Instead they were given the power of the Spirit to make that kingdom come and to persuade many men to believe and become its missionaries. It spread from India to Spain in the first generation.


Well-known member
In the kingdom of God we taste all the wonders of the NHNE but we do not get to eat or swallow. That awaits the end of this earth and the replacement of it by the NHNE. Heb. 6:5. Gosh, that's in Hebrews!!! I wonder why?


Well-known member
"Not to know the times" means they did not know when the Spirit was going to work--they had no idea about Pentecost at 9am, but they did have the apostles teaching when it came time to speak.


Well-known member
They never knew when God and the Spirit was going to work; this concept is nicely captured by C.S. Lewis in Narnia; 'things never happen the same way twice' or 'you won't be able to find him that way; he comes when he wants.'


Well-known member
Why is your entire belief system based on what some other men wrote?

It is not based on it; it is illstrated by it. Sorry the illustration was not clear. The entire belief system is based on the core doctrine passages about these things Rom 4-5, 9-11, Acts 13, 28, 2 Cor 3-5, Heb 8-10, Gal 3, 4.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jerry said:
Common sense dictates that if the kingdom was never going to be restored to Israel then the Lord would have said nothing about the time it would happen.

EXACTLY!!! HE DIDN'T!!! He had already taught 'you won't say 'here it is or there it is'!!! Instead they were given the power of the Spirit to make that kingdom come and to persuade many men to believe and become its missionaries. It spread from India to Spain in the first generation.

So are you saying that the kingdom was restored to Israel?


Well-known member
It was the mission!!!

The apostles 'ruled' "Israel" in it. They had a message that drew in the nations.

There never was any plan to do a Davidic theocracy or a Levitical one.


Well-known member
Oh, come on, where are all these smart 2P2P brains when you challenge them? Power was bestowed through the Spirit for the kind of kingdom that was meant.

This is why Eph 4 reads that after Christ ascended on high, he gave gifts to men, and those gifts are how the church was to move forward.

seeing you believe that this took place then who do you credit with being in charge of it today? As the 12 died off after receiving this and they passed on this power of rule and this continued from generation to generation who is over it in 2016,the Pope,the 7DA's,Jehovah's witnesses? Where are they now?


Well-known member
seeing you believe that this took place then who do you credit with being in charge of it today? As the 12 died off after receiving this and they passed on this power of rule and this continued from generation to generation who is over it in 2016,the Pope,the 7DA's,Jehovah's witnesses? Where are they now?

None of the above. Just who ever handles the teaching of the apostles correctly. That God was in Christ resolving the debt of man's sin.


Well-known member
None of the above. Just who ever handles the teaching of the apostles correctly. That God was in Christ resolving the debt of man's sin.

lol,So from the 12 down do you agree with Clement,Polycarpus,Papias,Irenaeus,Barnabas and see them as the next generation's of that same authority?

And then on from there and into the middle ages as each church leader was chosen the same as in the scriptures,men of good report to be deacons and bishops ect. did they all receive the same power and authority as in acts2 ?

Now in the 1500's there was this commotion where much like the anti-popes of the third and forth centuries when certain groups felt like there were men in charge who didn’t have Gods authority and protested.

So in the modern day isn’t there any persons who we could say "this one here" and all of us know to follow?