Potd 8/5/04

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New member

Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

The fact is, I have chosen to love my wife, because she is my wife, period. How I feel about her or how much I trust her is irrelevant. For now and hopefully from now on, my emotions are in agreement with my mind and my choice, but that may not always be the case. It won't matter. I will love my wife regardless of how I feel about her, whether those feelings are good or bad or indifferent. My love for her is not based on our relationship; it is not based on how I am treated or how well the house is kept or how well the kids are raised or anything else like that. It is based on my commitment to love her, nothing else. The Biblical term for it is agape and it is the only sort of love that a marriage can survive on(especially in this country).

Resting in Him,

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