Pot Head Kills at Planned Parenthood
This is the show from Monday November 30th, 2015
* Schizo-Magneto-Field: Bob points out to co-host Doug McBurney that Colorado’s legalization of Marijuana has created a magnet for mentally ill, pervert pot-heads like the Colorado Planned Parenthood killer.
* The Terror Double Standard: Have you noticed that the left refuses to equate Islam with terrorism, even though thousands of Moslem Imams publicly advocate for it, while as soon as one nut case shoots up a Planned Parenthood, the entire anti-abortion community is smeared as terrorists?
* Officer Garrett Swasey: was a pro-life Christian police officer who exemplified the attitude of pro-life Christians when he gave his life defending the people under attack at Planned Parenthood.
This is the show from Monday November 30th, 2015
* Schizo-Magneto-Field: Bob points out to co-host Doug McBurney that Colorado’s legalization of Marijuana has created a magnet for mentally ill, pervert pot-heads like the Colorado Planned Parenthood killer.
* The Terror Double Standard: Have you noticed that the left refuses to equate Islam with terrorism, even though thousands of Moslem Imams publicly advocate for it, while as soon as one nut case shoots up a Planned Parenthood, the entire anti-abortion community is smeared as terrorists?
* Officer Garrett Swasey: was a pro-life Christian police officer who exemplified the attitude of pro-life Christians when he gave his life defending the people under attack at Planned Parenthood.