Poster Child for Stupid

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
With an expectation that as the race for the presidency grows increasingly heated, opportunities for stupidity will abound.

And no one does stupid better than this dolt:


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

[h=1]AOC Pledges to Support Biden If He Wins Nomination[/h] By Ed Kilgore

In a welcome sign for Democrats of party unity and an implied rebuke to “Bernie or Bust” voters, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told Seth Myers last night that she will support Joe Biden if he wins the Democratic presidential nomination:
I’ve said throughout this entire process that what is so important that we ultimately unite behind who that Democratic nominee is. I think it’s a two-way street. I’ve been concerned by some folks that say if Bernie’s the nominee, they won’t support him and the other way around.
Once again, AOC is proving herself to have extraordinary timing. Her endorsement of Bernie Sanders in October helped turn around what at the time look like a floundering campaign. At the time, it wasn’t all that clear she had made a smart move or that it would matter, as CNN reported:
Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement was one of the most sought-after in progressive politics and, ultimately, she delivered it at one of the most uncertain times in Sanders’ long political career.

The New York Democrat told Sanders she would back him for president over the phone as he was lying in a hospital bed recovering from the heart attack that took him off the campaign trail for weeks, aides to both told CNN. When he fell ill in Las Vegas, Sanders’ campaign had been stalling in polls, as Warren pulled ahead and solidified her status among the front-runners.
Between then and Super Tuesday, Sanders had a very good run, with AOC serving as a key surrogate. It’s far too early to write off Sanders despite Joe Biden’s astonishing ascent, but not at all too early for people in his camp to make up their minds whether to weaponize threats of a general election defection to gain leverage — or to rule them out.
The decision by the country’s most influential young progresssive to pledge allegiance to the party she has sometimes discomfited is significant. And among other things, it should help convince Biden supporters and those who fear Bernie Sanders to reciprocate should this topsy-turvy nomination contest take another unexpected turn.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
first she's for Bernie, then she's not

[h=1]AOC claims Biden 'overperformed' Super Tuesday because his campaign faced 'low expectations'[/h] By Brie Stimson | Fox News
Joe Biden “overperformed” in this week's Super Tuesday primaries because he faced "low expectations" going into the contests, a key surrogate for Biden's chief rival for the Democratic presidential nomination said this week.
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who backs Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, made the comments in an interview Wednesday with CNN's Chris Cuomo.

The congresswoman said the Sanders camp wanted to be good “sportsmen” about Biden's strong day at the polls -- but she claimed the former vice president's recent wins represented a "moment," not a "movement."
Sanders’ team was left reeling this week after Biden pulled off wins in 10 states -- including Massachusetts, Minnesota and Texas, where Sanders was expected to do well. Sanders, meanwhile, won his home state of Vermont, as well as Colorado, Utah and the delegate-rich prize of California.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And she doesn't disappoint! :darwinsm:

[h=1]Meteorologist's forecast: AOC cloudy on DC flooding, climate change[/h] Wednesday, July 10, 2019
| Michael F. Haverluck (

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After Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) scared climate change aficionados into believing that Washington, D.C.’s flash-flooding Monday was the result of man-induced global warming, an acclaimed meteorologist straightened her out with a quick science lesson and sternly rebuked her for taking advantage of a recent downpour to spew out her ultra-environmentalist alarmism.

Acclaimed meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue – a former adjunct scholar with the Cato Institute and frequently quoted by the mainstream media for expert commentary on climate and weather conditions – lit into AOC after she incited havoc in response to a not-too-uncommon downpour in the nation’s capital Monday that dropped 3–5 inches of rain in less than two hours, causing flash-flooding in a number or areas.
"Unprecedented flooding is quickly becoming a new normal," AOC tweeted Monday. "Despite that, Republicans are tripling down on fossil fuels w/no plan to transition off them or make the critical infra investments we need to prep for the climate crisis. Each day of inaction puts more of us in danger."
And the rookie self-proclaimed socialist congresswoman wouldn’t stop there, insisting that more extreme weather is sure to come if Republicans don’t throw billions of dollars into her Green New Deal – which will actually cost many times more than the $10 billion price tag she proposed.
“Climate change intensifies flooding, wildfires & extreme weather – it’s more than 1 day or 1 storm; it’s all of them,” Ocasio-Cortez continued in her next tweet. “Places are flooding where they haven’t before; there are 90-degree days in Alaska in June. The GOP will mock & sow confusion until it’s their home swept away.”
Actually, part of President Donald Trump’s home was affected by the downpour, as there was minor flooding in the White House basement, but the vocal member of the House of Representatives’ climate scare tactics are unlikely to get Republicans and American taxpayers to blindly shell out billions to fund climate change propaganda, which has seen scientists inflate global temperatures – and given the public visions of drowning polar bears hanging on to a melting icebergs, while glaciers and polar icecaps actually continue to grow.
“Ocasio-Cortez has made climate change a central issue, including her signature Green New Deal resolution and a meeting in June with Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg,” The Hill noted.
Cloudy with a good chance of delusion
The local WRC-TV reported that the historic flash flooding stranded motorists, forced D.C.’s National Archives Museum to close and flooded the Metro, but Maue said Ocasio-Cortez connecting this to climate change is noting short of political propaganda to push her climate change agenda against Republicans and score more green (cash) for Democrats’ global climate campaign.
“First a tornado and now a flash flood … The Congresswoman does not miss an opportunity to turn a weather event she experiences into a political statement and blame Republicans,” Maue tweeted Monday in response to AOC. "She's right that cities need to invest in infrastructure, but a slow-moving t-storm isn't 'climate.'"
In fact, this week’s downpour and subsequent flooding in D.C. – as well as Alaska’s current heat wave – are nothing out of the ordinary – and definitely nothing to sound off the alarms of impending cataclysmic environmental doom due to “unbridled manmade pollutants” rising temperatures.
“For the record: D.C. is a low-lying city surrounded by major waterways; flash flooding is completely normal,” TheBlaze’s Chris Enloe noted. “Also, while Anchorage hit 90 degrees for the first time ever last week – since records have been kept, which has only happened for about 150 years – Alaska is no stranger to temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees.”
Maue followed up his initial tweet to AOC with a short lesson in meteorology.
“Where do you start the conversation with this premise? AOC: ‘It’s more than 1 day or 1 storm; it’s all of them. Places are flooding where they haven’t before; there are 90-degree days in Alaska in June. The GOP will mock & sow confusion until it’s their home swept away,'” Maue continued in another tweet. “You should resist the emotional temptation to blame EVERY weather event on climate change. Consult the National Academies ‘bubble chart’ on our understanding & confidence of weather events + climate change: Severe convective storms = low confidence & low understanding. Extreme rainfall is still low/medium confidence and medium understanding – pretty clear that in a warmer world, rainfall extremes will increase. But, attributing an individual t-storm or slow-moving area of rain to climate change is (currently) beyond our capability.”
The weather guru wrapped up his lesson for AOC by tweeting her a screenshot from the National Academies: Attribution of Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change, which read:
“Severe convective storms: The committee is not aware of any attribution studies,” Maue quoted via his screenshot. “Observations of both individual events and trends are problematic. Climate models do not resolve the events, and some phenomena (e.g., tornadoes) are not resolved – even by the highest-resolution models in use for operational weather forecasting. Physical understanding of the events’ relationship to climate change is limited. Statistical or dynamic downscaling offers promise of improvement.”
He then ended his tweet with this caption:
“The reference from the National Academies: Attribution of Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change (2016),” Maue concluded his last Twitter post. “This science is cutting-edge … but the politics obviously isn’t.”
AOC not getting away with anything
Maue’s analysis of the flooding was even corroborated by Washington’s largest left-leaning daily, which stressed that natural meteorological phenomena explain the latest mini-deluge in the nation’s capital (not global warming).
Indeed, the Washington Post's "Capital Weather Gang" explained how Monday's historic weather was merely the result of a classic "flash flood-generating setup."
"The torrential downpours – and ensuing flooding – stem from a classic flash flood-generating setup – a pattern that was very frequent last summer, as well,” the Washington Post’s “Capital Weather Gang” explained. “Namely, very high air mass humidity … combined with a stalled front … unstable air … and a disturbance along that front."
Hitting up virtually every extreme weather event to promote her climate change campaign has become a trend with Ocasio-Cortez, as Maue corrected the 29-year-old New York Democrat back in May for blaming a severe thunderstorm on global warming – giving her a mini science lesson and making it simple and easy for her to understand by using an analogy to describe the relationship between weather and climate.
"Weather is what outfit you wear heading out the door. ... Climate is your closet wardrobe," Maue explained to AOC at the time, according TheBlaze.
Maue was not the only one to unload on AOC Monday, as the president also hit back on the Latino firebrand for pushing her problematic Green New Deal.
“While we’re focused on practical solutions, more than 100 Democrats in Congress now support the so-called Green New Deal,” Trump declared Monday in a speech at the White House on America’s Environmental Leadership, according to “Their plan is estimated to cost our economy nearly $100 trillion – a number unthinkable, a number not affordable even in the best of times. If you go 150 years from now and we’ve had great success, that’s not a number that’s even thought to be affordable. It’ll kill millions of jobs, it’ll crush the dreams of the poorest Americans, and disproportionately harm minority communities. I will not stand for it. We will defend the environment, but we will also defend American sovereignty, American prosperity, and we will defend American jobs.”
