Post of the Day! 07/30/04

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New member
Originally posted by elected4ever

Godrulz, I know you don't understand my theology. My theology is spiritually discerned and must be given by revelation. I know that I am saved by revelation and not by what I read in the Bible.

The bible is a tool to help explain in human terms what is Spiritual reality. Some of it is hard to discern with the human mind because of the human logic factor. It is human nature to make some logical sense of it all. It is further complicated by our daily life's experiences.

We do not cease to be human simply because we are saved. Our flesh still acts like the flesh in its depraved condition but we are no longer in the flesh but in the Spirit. Our flesh died and is then quickened by the Spirit so that good works can be performed by the Spirit through the utility of the flesh.

The flesh wars against the Spirit for control of our existence and we all to some degree cecum to the will of the flesh and you and most others call this sin. I understand that but understanding that does not make this false belief true. I think God every day that he did not leave me to the whelms of the flesh.

The flesh is dead to God but the Spirit is alive to God. We are Spirit and not flesh and the Spirit never sins because it is born of God. Our bodies will one day, at the return of Christ, ether be raised as Christ was raised or be transformed into a new body without sin as Christ is without sin. We shall be as He is.

By faith I have appropriated Christ work as complete and received God the Father's seed in my Spirit to new life. I have been born again and the life that is in me cannot sin because it is born of God. My life no longer belongs to the flesh but to God. I now live by the faith of Christ and not by what is apparent to the flesh.

Morally and ethically we may agree on a great many issues but morals and ethics have nothing to do with whether one is saved or lost. God's requirement is that we be righteous 100% of the time. That righteousness is imputed to His children. It cannot be achieved by man. We can be moral or ethical in the flesh but never righteous in the flesh. God's children are righteous because He said we are righteous and we are what God says we are and nothing less.


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