Portland Official Who Wants to ‘Defund Police’ Called 911 Over Canceled Lyft Ride

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Credo in Unum Deum
Portland Official Who Wants to ‘Defund Police’ Called 911 Over Canceled Lyft Ride

A prominent Portland politician who has repeatedly vowed to “defund the police” reportedly called 911 to complain after her Lyft driver canceled the ride.
“Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, who has pushed for police budget cuts, called 911 after a Lyft driver canceled her ride and asked her to get out of his car,” reports Fox News. “Lyft driver Richmond Frost told two Portland Police Department officers, who responded to the scene on Nov. 1, that Hardesty ‘became irate when he refused to roll the windows up,’ according to a dispatch report.”

You can't make this stuff up man. Democrat hypocrisy and stupidity is so far off the scale its amazing. And you notice how it wasn't even a dangerous situation that she called the cops for? Its not like she was being attacked of anything. She called them over a Lyft ride. What a loser, typical democrat
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