Pope Francis To Be Tried by Sanhedrin


[Pope Francis To Be Tried by Sanhedrin Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "A re-established Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis :eek:linger: on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem. In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the "State of Palestine," but more significantly, the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the "State of Palestine." The trial and judgment will be on September 20th, 2015. If Pope Francis chooses to ignore the summons, he will be judged in absentia.

The pope's controversial description of Abbas as an "angel of peace" led to the Vatican backtracking and attempts to placate Israel. Pope Francis embraced the Palestinian mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammed Hussein, calling him "dear brother" in a show of great affection. In 2012, Hussein said it was the destiny of Muslims to kill Jews, who he claims are "subhuman beasts and the enemies of Allah." Sheikh Hussein has also praised suicide bombers and said their souls "tell us to follow in their path," remarks the Pope has never condemned. Read more."


Obama: Everyone but Israel supports Iran deal :Nineveh: Ob 7

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Greatest poster ever
According to the latest PEW research on attitudes relating to Pope Francis, Christian and especially Catholic countries top the list of favorable views of the head of the Catholic Church. But which non-Christian country comes on top of the non-Christian countries? It is Israel, with an approval rate of 50 percent in contrast with a 14% approval rate in the Palestinian territories...And what is more amazing is that this view is contrasted by a very unfavorable view of the Chief Rabbinate – the supreme Orthodox Jewish body of Israel. In a poll conducted for Ynet in December 2013 by Geo-Cartography among Israeli Jews, 67% were against the continued existence of the rabbinate...

Source: http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Israelis-for-Pope-Francis-against-their-own-Chief-Rabbinate-386450

The Barbarian

Over the years, the rabbinate has slowly evolved to become more like other religious bodies in the middle east. It's a bit surprising that the Pope is more popular in Israel than the chief Jewish religious body, but given the sorts of things the rabbinate has done recently, maybe it shouldn't be.


New member
Since one of the core beliefs of Romanism is that the Pope and priests replace the priests in the temple and offer the daily sacrifice, I could see how the Jews are a bit upset.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Since one of the core beliefs of Romanism is that the Pope and priests replace the priests in the temple and offer the daily sacrifice, I could see how the Jews are a bit upset.

I can also see how the Jews are a bit upset by the claim that Jesus is their Messiah, and that the "New Covenant" replaces the "Old Covenant," etc, etc...

The Barbarian

(News story reveals the Pope is more popular with Israelis than the Rabbinate)

Serpent hisses:
Just a bunch a dumb Jews aren't they Barbie?

They sound pretty smart to me.

And where in Scripture does it support your notion that Jesus is going to be thrown into the Lake of Fire?


Well-known member
There is no Sanhedrin, the Israeli Rabbinate has nothing to do with this. The whole thing is blown way out of proportion.


New member
We moderate Jews choose to call these "Sanhedrin" and the rest of the Hassidim - Mishugas (i.e. lunatics.) :)


Pope Francis To Be Tried by Sanhedrin

Israeli conservatives don't deal well with opposing viewpoints and it appears that Francis has decided to be "his own man!"

Given his worldwide popularity, the Israeli "establishment" would be wise to back-off!