Poly's POTD 10-04-06

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ApologeticJedi said:
theo_victis said:
So what if todays criminals repent? Or did that only happen in the Bible? It is funny that this is exactly what I am talking about, Karla Faye Tucker repented. Yet America killed her. She did what she did out of ignorance and a poor up bringing which caused her to think that prostitution was okay.

You believe Karla Faye Tucker repented ... I am not so certain. That is why she should have been put to death. Only two people can halt her execution - reprieve from the murdered victim from heaven, or reprieve from God from heaven. This never happened.

To not put Karla Faye Tucker to death is to "profane God" (Ezerkial 19:13)

theo_victis said:
These exceptions, David, Moses, Cain, Lamech, the woman caught in adultery, Paul, Joseph's brothers, all of these people deserved death. Niether God, nor Israel, nor Rome, nor Egypt, nor any governing authority put them to death. Why? Didnt they deserve death even if they were sorry.

Let's look at these cases a bit more closely and we'll see how Karla Faye Tucker doesn't fit in.

David deserved death. However the very voice of God came from heaven to repreive David of death. Never-the-less, afterwards God still insisted that adulterers be put to death (Ps 1:2; 19:7; 78:1-8; 89:30-32).

Moses deserved death (assuming it wasn't self-defense- killing the Egpytian before the Egyptian killed the Hebrew), but again a voice from heaven by God preserved his life. Still the laws to put people to death were repeated with Moses.

Gomar was an adulteress yet God specifically forgave her (Hos 3:1). Still He demanded that other adulterers be put to death (Hos 4:6).

The woman caught in adultry was forgiven by God, but still Jesus taught that the law was in full force (Matt 5:17-19; Matt 23:2-3; John 7:19-23)

And even afterwards the Apostles maintained the law as useful (Acts 21:20; 1 Tim 1:8-10; Rom 3:19, 31; Gal 3:24-25).

theo_victis said:
Remember when Jesus persecuted the sinners, prostitutes, adutlerers, tax collectors etc..? Oh wait he didnt bash them.

Do you think there were no adulterers, tax collectors, or prostitutes in the three cities Jesus cursed?

Great post!
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