Poly's POTD 05-09-07

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Nineveh said:
You said: "I guess we can ignore that even in the animal kingdom homo activity is abnormal." The word "we" is a plural possessive pronoun. It includes the speaker--You.

Hello? I was pointing out what you were ignoring. It's your argument, seems like you would be more honest about it.

God called his creation "good." (All you have to do now, Nineveh, is "clarify" that verse in Genesis to make some wiggle room for your social/political agenda!)

Oh... So everything is still in that pristine state?

First things first, huh? You need to campaign for a spot on the school board. That way you'll have some influence over how biology classes on nature will be taught. Plus you can also vet the teacher first to make sure s/he's politically spot on for your agenda. Right?

While you are there, why not pick up a course or two in reading comprehension. Then come back and try replying again.

I credit God. That's who I like. Who do you credit?

I credit the Creator for setting up the laws of nature. So what god are you crediting that set up the laws of nature that you are now trying to ignore?

Ah, how soon we forget those untidy fundy historical memories! Boy, I sure remember! Does this sound familiar?


Ya got me there. Should I think this sounds familiar?

And let me correct your short-sightedness: I am not "comparing homos to animals."

Yes. You are.

I am celebrating God's diversity.

What god? The Creator created male and female and said, "...they shall become one flesh." Along with many statements regarding sexual immorality as being a sin. Both OT and NT. So I think it's safe to say, whatever god/dess(es) you are serving have different ideas than the Creator.

Diversity is healthy

STDs are healthy? It's healthy to cruise for anonymous sexual partners? I wonder if the half a million male homo AIDS patients would agree with you.

Multiformity brings strength through wholeness.

Surely there is a wide variety of "diversity" on this planet. Yet we can classify "abnormality" when we find it. Just because it's here on planet Earth (that is where you are posting from, right?) doesn't make it "natural" or "normal".

To compare is to judge.

Ok. So you judge homos as being animals.

No comparison is meant.

Then you should stop.

Everyone should be acting like animals.

Then let's hear you support gang rape and eating one's offspring.

There are plants and then there are animals. You're either one or the other.

Once again, which god/dess(es) are you speaking about? I'm not familiar with your god/dess(es).

The Creator created man in His image. He set men apart. Guess that makes my God is better, He doesn't want us to "live up to" acting like animals, He gave us a higher standard.

I hate homos so much that in one or two generation's time people will look back on my hatred and wonder how I could be so small, so mean and so pathetically backward..
I wonder that about you now.

Our idea of how nature works is the only thing that changes.

And while you may not understand how nature works in this regard, it's been going on for the past 6000 years.

Most high school kids couldn't be more relaxed and accepting of homos and, although there is still prejudice and discriminiation, it is usually found in the lower
middle class enclaves whose parents were not educated past high school.

Hitler had the same success. It's called indoctrination.

As time goes on, people are accepted as people, the slaves are freed and the world is no longer flat. Even the Christian Barna Group Research Polls bear this out:


As time goes on nature still works the same way and sin is still sin, even if a majority might vote to disagree.

I know I'm a little early in picking a POTD but I just couldn't let this one go without recognizing it. Nineveh lays down some serious smack! :up:

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