Poly's POTD 05-09-06

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ApologeticJedi said:
Hilston said:
Not according to Open Theism. Open Theists believe that Jesus' will was contrary to the Father's when He prayed in the garden. He was a reluctant participant, not fully willing, according to Open Theists.

That's a lie. I'd say it is a strawman, except that you know better.

Open theists admit, as do most armenians, that Jesus would have loved not to have to go to the cross to save mankind, but when there was no other way, Jesus went willingly.

Hilston said:
You've taken upon yourself the role of judge and have presumed to decide, based on humanistic principles and existential tenets whether or not God is good.

I'm basing it on the Scriptural definition of goodness. God's own points. For it is God that says that you should not do evil that good may come of it.

Hilston said:
God decreed evil that good would result. E.g. God taunted Satan to attack Job. What do you make of that? Will you judge God as evil because He urged Satan to do evil?

God taunted Satan that Job obeyed him. It was not God that suggested to Satan to attack, as I rememebr the story.

Basically Satan bet God that Job would curse him if God took away His protection. God predicted he wouldn't but Satan didn't believe him. Didn't Satan know God knows the future? If God knows the future exhaustively, wouldn't Satan of all people know that? Is Satan the dumbest gambler that ever lived? That's worse than betting against the Harlem Globetrotters!

BTW --- are you going to answer my question as to how "before" (Eph 1:4) and "from" (Rev. 13:8) are different in the original Greek, or can we let that drop?

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