Poly's POTD 01-21-07

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BillyBob said:
GeneCosta said:
My statement was in regard to forcing privatization.

And yet you have no problem forcing public schools on everyone.

I'd like to see parents choose for themselves without the government purposely trying to flunk the public education system.

The public education system has already failed.

If people feel the system isn't for them, then withdraw your kid.

We did.

The public schools aren't anywhere near as bad as some people here would like to claim.

They are much worse than you are willing to admit. But what do you know, you're just a dopey kid.

Most of the quarrels come from not putting emphasis on a single religious belief -- something that is needed when you have a public school. :noid:

Did you get that from your 'researchers'? :darwinsm:

Expecting 100% of students to pass three standardized tests by 2014 is ridiculous. Anyone who argues otherwise doesn't have an ounce of realism in their body. I won't argue venues like private schools and homeschooling don't provide competition, but it really falls upon the community and what they want.

So you agree that the feds should get out of the schooling business?

However to privatize the public education system would be disasterous for the poor and large portions of the middle class.

The public education system is already a disaster, especially for the so called 'poor'.

A lot of parents today can't afford private schools and don't have the time to homeschool.

They should have thought of that before they started having kids. By the way, you just said, "most parents want the best for their kids". Now you are contradicting that statement.

Public schools provide the children of these parents an opportunity.

Public schools are nothing more than a day care center for parents unwilling to do what is best for their children.

I suppose you could argue that the prices would drop when more private schools are open,

We can argue with you all day. :darwinsm:

but the thought of education turning into another food chain-like operation disgusts me.

You mean like it is now?

Those with IQs of 80 or under shouldn't be grouped with the rest of the students.

So where should we put you?

Great Smack! :up:


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BillyBob said:
By the way, you just said, "most parents want the best for their kids". Now you are contradicting that statement.

BillyBob said:
Public schools are nothing more than a day care center for parents unwilling to do what is best for their children.
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