Poly's pick 11-11-04

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Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Jabez

Heres a few poems for veterans day.


I saw him first in April
When they said, "You have a boy."
I waited long to hear those words
So he became my joy.

And every time his birthday came
I saw him growing tall.
And then he started off to school
In just no time at all.

It seemed I only turned around
And he was in his teens.
He went around in funny hats
And had his favorite jeans.

Then track and football filled his life
His high school days were fun.
And in his private treasure box
Went medals that he'd won.

And often when he came back home
From being on a date,
He'd whisper at my bedroom door,
"Mom, are you still awake?"

Then we would talk a little while
Before he went to bed.
And I would often breathe a prayer,
"God bless my son," I said.

I saw him last in April
When he said, "Mom, don't you worry,
I'm leaving for Iraq.
We'll win this in a hurry."

But he will nevermore be back
My heart still seems to break.
I'll never hear him whisper now,
"Mom, are you still awake?"

Yet I thank God for every joy
For all the love and fun.
And locked in my heart's treasure box
Are memories of my son.

Author Unknown

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