Originally posted by Micaiah
Why are we so worried about pushing people away? Who was it who warned potential followers to count the cost? Who sent away the rich young ruler dejected? Would you be willing to say harsh things to those who come in search of Christ or would we say to the rich young ruler...no you can worship God and Mammon. Or more appropriately, you can be a homosexual Christian.
I'm not saying we shouldn't love people and desire for their salvation but I am saying that we must speak the truth in love. At one point Jesus was so offensive that all his disciples left except the 12. The modern church is unwilling to do that, which waters down the gospel message and the power of the church.
We forget that Jesus forgave many but sent them away saying "go and sin no more". God will accept homosexuals and oathbreakers and whoever will come but the message is still the same...go and sin no more.