Poly's pick 08-22-05

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Jitterbug said:
Earlier this week, I had a conversation with a fellow believer (at least, I assume he's a believer). He was complaining about intolerance among Christians. He said (and I paraphrase), "I really don't like those churches or denominations who think they're the only ones that are right."

Something about his words made me uncomfortable. It was only a couple of days later that I realized what it was.

When a church or denomination takes a doctrinal stance, then OF COURSE it's because they believe they're right. After all, that's what doctrine is about, right? And if they believe they're right, then logically, they must consider groups with different doctrinal views to be wrong. That's the nature of logic.

So naturally, a right-thinking church will consider its own views to be correct. And naturally, it wil say that churches with differing doctrines are in error. This isn't a moral condemnation (at least, not necessarily); rather, it's just plain common sense.

The only way to avoid this is for a church to say "Oh, there is no genuine right or wrong. Truth is relative." Now, most evangelical churches would never actually say such a thing; however, this worldview is often reflected in their actions. When a church says that there are multiple interpretations of a passage, for example, and that no single interpretation is preferable -- that's relativism. Or when a church refuses to correct the doctrines of other congregations, that is practicing relativism as well. In effect, it's saying, "You believe what you want, and we'll believe what we want. In the end, it doesn't really matter."

One pastor said to me recently, "We all just need to decide what we want to follow." That comment made me sick to my stomach. It's certainly true that we must make a decision, but that's not ALL that we must do. No, we must also make sure that our decisions line up squarely with the truth of God's Word. It's not simply a matter of personal preference.

Moral relativism has crept into the Christian community. Be afraid. Be very afraid.



Oh, I was expecting one of my posts where I'm teasing allsmiles....relentlessly....:(

Oh well, congratulations 'Jitterbug'

[I'm suddenly hearing 'Wham' in my head....] :shocked:


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Athanasius said:
I'm enjoying your posts, Jitter-Man.

Churches today are up against a remarkable challenge: how to be open and accepting of those from all walks of life who bring all kinds of sins before the cross, and still maintain a firm foundation of what they believe and teach. Certainly this has been a challenge for thousands of years -- but today the church is afloat in a sea of relativism and subjectivism, in which those both outside and inside the church demand "tolerance," acceptance in the form of "Love Jesus and anything goes."

If the church is the ship and the twenty-first century world is the stormy sea, surely biblical-historical theology is the anchor.

Of course every church believes they are right. Logically, this is what belief means. The question is whether they allow for divergent beliefs. And in some areas of doctrine, they certainly should. (Some churches are better at this than others.) And in other areas, the Christian faith cannot compromise.

The great challenge, then, is to discern between those areas where we are open to divergent views out of Christian charity, and those where we would compromise the gospel by being open to what the world demands in the name of tolerance and relativism.


Well said!
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