Poly's pick 08-16-05

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RightIdea said:
Z Man said:
Well, of course I don't know the exact answer, but there are several thousands of possibilities in which God can fit a 'baby rape' into His perfect plan. For starters, the rapist is caught, sent to prison, and gang raped by other inmates there. In his guilt and shame, he comes to believe in the Gospel after hearing it for the first time at a prison ministry meeting. He may spread the news to other inmates, who may in turn become saved as well. They then tell others and so forth.

That's just one scenario. Maybe the parents, out of frustration and confusion, go seek guidance from a therapist who happens to be a Christian. The therapist sows the Word of God in their hearts and it comforts them. They in turn, become saved. That's another scenario. The possibilities are endless. For you to not trust God and His divine plan is disappointing, considering you are a Christian. He created everything, and He has the right to destroy us as He seesfit. That includes babies. And there's nothing you can do about it


You're now telling us that God isn't omnipotent, or that He isn't even wise enough to figure out a way to bring about that end without raping a baby girl???? Are you actually claiming this, now?

Here's a thought. The man doesn't rape the baby girl, but instead goes to the corner store and buys an entertainment magazine where he reads that one of his favorite rockers, Alice Cooper, gave his life to Christ many years ago and forsook alcohol and drugs.... this plants a seed. He mentions it to the counter clerk, who agrees this is a wonderful thing, and then shares the gospel with this sinner, even though the clerk's boss told him not to. Result? This sinner now becomes a saint, accepts Christ, and then goes out and shares the gospel with others.

Now, if I can figure that out off the top of my head in a matter of seconds, then it's certainly insulting to God to suggest that He can't bring about that end without having to go so far as to rape a baby girl! My story's conclusion brings about just as much glory to God as yours does, without any infant rape! Is God an imbecile? Incompetent? Is your God so limted that He can only bring about His will through infant rape many thousands of times over? Cuz I don't believe in a God so terribly limited and incompetent and weak...


Great post, Right Idea.

And shame on you Zman. You sicken me!!! This is one of the most disgusting and blasphemous posts you've ever submitted. SHAME ON YOU!!! You should repent of such an awful statement!


Merely Christian
Great reply RI :)

Eegads! :shocked:

What sort of god would include "baby rape" in any plan?!

What is a mere theology worth to someone? How can you expect to persuade anyone to worship a god like that? Ew.

I sentence zman to copying BRX by hand 5 times. Neatly.

Nathon Detroit

RightIdea is earning his stripes. Every TOL legend has spent huge amounts of time using Z Man as a punching bag.

Although I will say RightIdea does an extra job of sticking to point. :up:


I gotta step in and say that I sorta feel sorry for Z Man.

But, this is a 'Gloves Off' website....as you were!



New member
Hall of Fame
Good pick Poly, RightIdea is great. I could rep him on every post.

Z-man is incredible. He is either a very sick pup, or an incredible troll.


New member
Aw shucks, y'all are gonna make me cry. LOL

Besides which, I'm only here for the debate. Once that's over, I'm gone. So... I'm hardly legend material. LOL

Mr. 5020

New member
Poly said:

Great post, Right Idea.

And shame on you Zman. You sicken me!!! This is one of the most disgusting and blasphemous posts you've ever submitted. SHAME ON YOU!!! You should repent of such an awful statement!
I don't know ZMan well, but I would have to assume he is a Calvinist.

Christine thinks the same way.
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