Poly's pick 08-09-05

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Sozo said:
PureX said:
It's an illusion to think that you can control the spiritual inclinations of other people.

What does forgiveness have to do with someone's "spiritual inclinations"? Forgiving or not forgiving has everything to do with something you know nothing about...

Right and Wrong.

PureX said:
And as often as not your "rebuke" will just harden them.

People harden their own hearts, but if a rebuke does not set them straight, it may send a message to others who might consider the same offense. When I rebuke my child, it sends a clear message to the other children in our family, and it also sends a message to them when they see the rebuked child repent, and my forgiveness being extended in love. It is obvious that you lack any understanding about this subject.

Btw... why do you care about the idea of forgiveness or unforgiveness anyway? I thought that you believed that there are no absolutes, and therefore no one would ever have need of forgiveness?



New member

How sad is it, that we have to "rebuke" someone because they cannot understand the importance of repentance preceding forgiveness.

I cannot forgive PureX for believing what he does about this subject and so he will continue to find for himself those who agree with him to squelch any doubt that he might be wrong.
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