Poly's pick 05-12-04

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Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer


Excellent post! I agree with you on the whole but I would like to make sure that it’s very clear that Homosexuality if not just your garden variety sin. If there is an individual in your church who has a tendency to tell outlandish stories because he has some emotional need to be accepted or perhaps he likes to feel superior or just for whatever reason he feels compelled to tell lies, then this person should be dealt with in PRECISELY the way you suggest. He is guilty of sin and it should be called sin and the person should be dealt with in a firm but loving and compassionate manner.
Homos however are guilty of far worse than telling a few fish stories. Indeed, Homosexuality is a crime, and not only that, but a capital crime! God's righteous decree is that the governing authorities via due process of law should execute homosexuals! In light of this fact I believe that the tone of your post is somewhat limp-wristed, if you'll excuse the expression. Homosexuals should not be permitted within the walls of our churches. They should be booted out harshly! And I do mean BOOTED out! Publicly humiliated if possible. There should be no doubt left in anyone's mind that your church does not tolerate homos.
If you were the pastor of a church and one day you discovered that there was a child molester or murderer attending your church. How would you deal with it? Well, if I was attending your church and you did not swiftly boot him out of the building you would no longer be my pastor. Either he would be permanently gone or I would be! And I know of no parent who wouldn’t feel the same way.
Homosexuals should be dealt with in the exact same manner (actually most child molesters are in fact homos), they are criminals of the highest order. They do not need compassion they need punishment. In fact, punishment WOULD BE compassion! I submit to you that this culture of diversity has gotten its claws into even you. Not that you think that homosexuality is okay, you obviously don't, but you would have us be compassionate toward homosexuals while God would have us excommunicate them (that is since executing them is not an option in this government), which is a movement on your part, in the wrong direction. It is my belief that God is really the more compassionate. Public rejection and humiliation is the best thing for the homosexual, it will either drive them toward repentance or it will cement them in their hatred toward God. Either way, the line will have been drawn, which is precisely the way God would have it.

Resting in Him,

Awesome! :up:
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