Poly's pick 04-20-03

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Originally posted by PureX
I know a lot of people who have been taught that God is a jerk. They have been taught that whenever something bad happens in their lives, that it's God punishing them for only God knows what reason. And as a result, God would be the LAST place they would turn when in pain, as they believe that to do so would be like turning to a theif for home security.

This is the result of teaching children that God is the "big cop in the sky" and that God controls and manipulates every event that occurs in our lives, and that God is vengeful. When you put all these together, as the child will certainly do, you end up with an idea of God than no sane person would turn to even when they are feeling good, let alone when they are hurt.
Little did I know that I would ever pick a post by PureX as a pick of the day. And not even because it is friendship week. It's actually very good. :thumb:


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If that post was signed by Bob Enyart I would have believed it. Now, if Purex would just convert to Christianity . . .


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Jefferson
If that post was signed by Bob Enyart I would have believed it. Now, if Purex would just convert to Christianity . . .
Yeah!!.. Now that would be cause for some major partying!!
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