Poly's pick 02-08-06

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Army of One said:
fool said:
This boggles my mind.
What government on this Earth today was established by Yaweh?
All exist cause men made them exist and all are sustained by men, not God.
You're right. I'm merely saying (and Clete would most likely agree), that God has established the office of government and delegated certain authorities to them, not that He has established a specific government or leader.
Why would you answer to a government of men and not answer to God?
I would only answer to a government of men in as much as doing so would not be disobeying God.
Why do you place a government of men between you and God?
Again, I fail to see how I (or Clete) has done any such thing?
If you become the head of such a government are you in some place between men and God?
Of course not!
No. Both the government and the citizen must answer to God. And part of the citizen's obedience to God involves answering to the government (in as much as the government doesn't require the citizen to disobey God). I think you're misunderstanding Clete's point. He was merely stating that authority flows from God to government, not from Man to government. In other words, the government does not require the People's permission to govern.
Those that get their absolutes from God are relativist by definition cause they can only posit that what God says is right.
There is nothing that these theist can point to and say "that is wrong" cause Yaweh could say "do it" and then it's right. Their morals are relative to what God says.
I disagree. The theist's morals should be as absolute as the standard which they look to, which is God's character. And that is anything but relativist. Your point would be correct if God's character was capricious, or changing, but it is not.



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Army of One said:
And part of the citizen's obedience to God involves answering to the government (in as much as the government doesn't require the citizen to disobey God).
Then you should be against the death penalty in the United States, which voilates God's law, and grace.

The only executable offenses are those which God listed in his word, properly translated; and, the only acceptable method of tial and execution is the method God prescribed in his word. That is not what the government is doing with its ungodly penal code.

Army of One said:
I think you're misunderstanding Clete's point. He was merely stating that authority flows from God to government, not from Man to government. In other words, the government does not require the People's permission to govern.
Are you a United States citizen? If so, please read the Constitution of the United States. Does "we the people" ring a bell? The power flows from the people to the government in this constitutional republic.

Army of One said:
The theist's morals should be as absolute as the standard which they look to, which is God's character. And that is anything but relativist.
If you believe that, then go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice.

Army of One

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elohiym said:
Then you should be against the death penalty in the United States, which voilates God's law, and grace.

The only executable offenses are those which God listed in his word, properly translated; and, the only acceptable method of tial and execution is the method God prescribed in his word. That is not what the government is doing with its ungodly penal code.

Are you a United States citizen? If so, please read the Constitution of the United States. Does "we the people" ring a bell? The power flows from the people to the government in this constitutional republic.

If you believe that, then go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice.
Response is in the original thread.


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Nineveh said:
Mr. Fields said:
Dad sends child off to be tortured and burned in his basement for the rest of his life because his child disobeyed him and wouldn't say sorry.

Most (sane) individuals would say this is (beyond) abuse. Yet this is how the Christian God deals with his children.

Does that make sense to you?

The story goes more like this:

The son hurts himself and everyone around him in heinous ways on a constant basis. His father tells him if he doesn't repent he will not be allowed in his home. If the son refuses to repent, he will live outside his father's home forever.

:second: POTD



The Dark Knight
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I'm beginning to think fool is intentionally obtuse, since he refuses to get the picture. But you are doing a great job of showing it to him, Army of One.:thumb:
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