
Fred Eans

The politics of man never changes. Man is not perfect. From the greatest country to the smallest trib in the wilderness it is all the same and will be till the coming of Christ. During the time of Christ, the politics were quite dangerous. The true Israelites had no say, as they were preached to. The leaders, the important ones were appointed by Rome. These were jealous of their position, which is why they were always trying to corner Jesus. It was the perfect setting for the final touch of God’s Plan. The People as a whole is what delayed the hierarchy as long as they were. This ruling level were called Jews, but were not. Jesus warned us about them and their levin, how they twisted the Truth; the scribes who were basically the Kenites, who will rise up again when Satan arrives, after all they are of his seed. Jesus warns us about them throughout the scriptures. In the Revelations He calls them, those who say they are Jews, but are not. Today, is the same in Israel. To them everyone there are Jews. The true Jew is of the tribe of Judah. But there are the residents, the followers of Judaism, no matter their race. The even like us, several different break downs who all claim to be The Jews. This will all be straightened out soon. We here in the Christian Nations of the world are the remnants of the other tribes. In fact, the U.S. is the spiritual Israel of today. When Satan arrives, he will have trials to belittle the Christians. The Democrats are helping him right along. Just watch your politics, for they will cut you in half. Thank you. Fred Eans