
Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Perhaps we should do what should have been done all along - in this forum and in America - which is examine individual policies and not personality. Policies are what will shape America, not old comments by Trump or Hillary's pant suits.

I'll start with the Wall and Taxes. To me the wall is a given; we have the right to defend our border, and much of the wall is already built, an often overlooked fact.

As for taxes, I'll start with this: Kudlow: Donald Trump Is the middle-class growth candidate
>> http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/06/kudlow-donald-trump-is-the-middle-class-growth-candidate.html

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I'll add a third policy: Fox News just reported that the Senate had apparently been considering a vote on Obama's SCOTUS nomination after all, but not now. Now they are waiting for Trump's first pick. That alone should make every Christian happy, and relieved.


Well-known member
From the opposite end:



Why are these women crying?

Because Big Sugar Daddy Guvmint just went bye-bye (maybe).

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I respectfully request that we stick to specific policies in this thread. In another forum someone asked me:

NCC said:
Terry, if Trump is for bringing back manufacturing, jobs, and opportunity, doesn't it worry you that he has based his own companies overseas? How is he going to bring these things back, if he, himself, does not set the example?

That does not worry me one bit. Up until now he has made decision that were good for Trump, Inc., and the horrible tax laws and regulations of America forced him to make the best business decisions for his company. Anything else would have made him a rotten CEO.

Now he will change those horrible tax laws and regulations so that businesses will want to stay here instead of leave. Now he is making decision for America, not Trump Inc., and just as he made the best decisions for his company, now he will make the best decisions for us


Well-known member
Now he will change those horrible tax laws and regulations so that businesses will want to stay here instead of leave. Now he is making decision for America, not Trump Inc., and just as he made the best decisions for his company, now he will make the best decisions for us

Let's hope so!

Lots of people seem to have that same objection. Personally, I don't get it either.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
From the opposite end:



Why are these women crying?

Because Big Sugar Daddy Guvmint just went bye-bye (maybe).

i heard a guy on a call-in show on the cbc this afternoon, practically crying because he just took a job in america and now he doesn't know if he wants to raise his daughter in a country that elected trump president

all i could think was "great, another immigrant taking away jobs from americans"