Policy over Personality

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Someone here said that I "fawn" over Trump, and that is a lie. But one reason I believe the things I do is because I don't follow the crowd. I think a lot about things. I thought about what this guy said too.

So, I want to say this: Whether it was Trump running or somebody else, it is obvious to me as a Catholic that Democrat policies are evil and Republican policies are not.

It is a FACT that Democrats support abortion.
It is a FACT that Democrats support gay marriage.

Right there, there are two "official" evil policies.

Then there is socialism. Socialism has been an evil since WWII and has caused untold suffering and death.

Then there are other things, not quite as bad but still bad. Giving benefits to people who sneaked into America illegally when our own classes are too full and hospitals are stretched thin. Supporting transgenders in their perversions. I can think of tons of things.

The other side will say, But Republicans are evil too. Really? I am talking about official policies. I just named some off the top of my head.

I want to hear a Democrat name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position. I don't think there are any. I have not heard one policy put forth by Republicans that can be classified as "Evil" but I can sure name a lot of evil Democrat policies.

So go ahead, name one. I want to hear one please.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Someone here said that I "fawn" over Trump, and that is a lie. But one reason I believe the things I do is because I don't follow the crowd. I think a lot about things. I thought about what this guy said too.

So, I want to say this: Whether it was Trump running or somebody else, it is obvious to me as a Catholic that Democrat policies are evil and Republican policies are not.

It is a FACT that Democrats support abortion.
It is a FACT that Democrats support gay marriage.

Right there, there are two "official" evil policies.

Then there is socialism. Socialism has been an evil since WWII and has caused untold suffering and death.

Then there are other things, not quite as bad but still bad. Giving benefits to people who sneaked into America illegally when our own classes are too full and hospitals are stretched thin. Supporting transgenders in their perversions. I can think of tons of things.

The other side will say, But Republicans are evil too. Really? I am talking about official policies. I just named some off the top of my head.

I want to hear a Democrats name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position. I don't think there are any. I have not heard one policy put forth by Republicans that can be classified as "Evil" but I can sure name a lot of evil Democrat policies.

So go ahead, name one. I want to hear one please.

Several people have said it, because you do. Why else have "Trump Gurl" as a username? Then there's the plethora of threads about Trump with the accompanying sycophantic memes and videos etc. Nice avatar btw, is that you in it and the video on the "What Are You Listening To" thread?

It's a fact that plenty of "liberals" don't support abortion and Trump is hardly an enemy of homosexual marriage either.
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Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Thank you Lord for not making me as stupid as this tool.

So I asked a simple question:

I want to hear a Democrats name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position. I don't think there are any. I have not heard one policy put forth by Republicans that can be classified as "Evil" but I can sure name a lot of evil Democrat policies.

So go ahead, name one. I want to hear one please.

And here is what I got back, regarding my screen name:

Several people have said it, because you do. Why else have "Trump Gurl" as a username? Then there's the plethora of threads about Trump with the accompanying sycophantic memes and videos etc. Nice avatar btw, is that you in it and the video on the "What Are You Listening To" thread?

It's a fact that plenty of "liberals" don't support abortion and Trump is hardly an enemy of homosexual marriage either.

Help me everybody. Was there an evil GOP policy in that answer that I did not see? I don't think so.

What I see is the same old salty tool trying to throw shade on me. So sad.

Does anyone want to answer the actual question? I want to hear a Democrat name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position. I don't think there are any. I have not heard one policy put forth by Republicans that can be classified as "Evil" but I can sure name a lot of evil Democrat policies.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Whether it was Trump running or somebody else, it is obvious to me as a Catholic that Democrat policies are evil and Republican policies are not...I want to hear a Democrats name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position. I don't think there are any. I have not heard one policy put forth by Republicans that can be classified as "Evil" but I can sure name a lot of evil Democrat policies.

So go ahead, name one. I want to hear one please.

Here's one for you, from the Catechism of the Catholic Church: .
The disordered desire for money cannot but produce perverse effects. It is one of the causes of the many conflicts which disturb the social order...[The Church] has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of "capitalism," individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor. Regulating the economy...solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for "there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market." Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended. --
This is the form of economic policy that seems to be in keeping with the teachings of the Catholic Church:
"The idea of social democracy is now used to describe a society the economy of which is predominantly capitalist, but where the state acts to regulate the economy in the general interest, provides welfare services outside of it and attempts to alter the distribution of income and wealth in the name of social justice." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_democracy

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
I do not see an official GOP policy in there.

Can't any of you read simple English and give a plain answer?

I want to hear a Democrat name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thank you Lord for not making me as stupid as this tool.

So I asked a simple question:

Yes, you certainly did and you got the obvious answer "Trump Gurl". I'd ask for a refund as well.

And here is what I got back, regarding my screen name:

Help me everybody. Was there an evil GOP policy in that answer that I did not see? I don't think so.

What I see is the same old salty tool trying to throw shade on me. So sad.

Does anyone want to answer the actual question? I want to hear a Democrats name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position. I don't think there are any. I have not heard one policy put forth by Republicans that can be classified as "Evil" but I can sure name a lot of evil Democrat policies.

"Salty Tool"?! Bizarre...Hey, your beloved Trump is no enemy of homosexuals and gay rights, far from it in fact as it would hardly help his political career as with any other politician. If you have issues with gay marriage etc then Trump ain't gonna care about that, you do realize that much? Otherwise, you just carry on and make some more videos...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I do not see an official GOP policy in there.

Can't any of you read simple English and give a plain answer?

I want to hear a Democrat name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position.

Do you think Trump is going to abolish gay marriage Trump Gurl?

User Name

Greatest poster ever


Does anyone want to answer the actual question? I want to hear a Democrat name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position.

- Cutting social services to pay for billionare's tax cuts.
- General greed and avarice regarding economic policies.
- Xenophobic immigration policies.
- Homophobia. Fighting Gay Marriage
- Policies attempting to deny women liberties by forcing them to give birth against their will.
- Gutting EPA standards/Ignoring Global Warming.
- Courting countries with known terrorists. Saudi Arabia.

There's probably more.


Well-known member
Someone here said that I "fawn" over Trump, and that is a lie. But one reason I believe the things I do is because I don't follow the crowd. I think a lot about things.
Perhaps using a MAGA red hat and moniker already 'colored' perception. :think: Some are quick on taking up sides. You can't really approach Trump topics without seeing the extreme ends either. Obama "Don't like it, beat 'us!'" The polarization was already here long before that. On another note, realize a few of your detractors don't live here in the States nor are American. Its all about perspective :cheers: (I don't do politics often.....)

So go ahead, name one. I want to hear one please.
Regan signed the abortion document, so that's one. At the time, it was an evil, but in his mind, a necessary evil because he didn't want to have anybody but doctors, who took the oath to save as many lives as possible, to make it with their patients. He had a naive faith in the morality of doctors perhaps. I voted for Regan, didn't for Trump. I don't like Trump's banter or life-choices, but have appreciated a good many of his decisions and efforts. -Lon


Do you think Trump is going to abolish gay marriage Trump Gurl?


"President Donald Trump once joked in private that Mike Pence 'wants to hang' gay people, according to a profile of the vice president in The New Yorker on Monday.

The story, citing two anonymous sources, said Trump enjoys needling the conservative former Indiana governor about his views on abortion and homosexuality and, when a conversation with an unnamed legal scholar turned to gay rights, the president motioned to Pence and allegedly joked, 'Don't ask that guy — he wants to hang them all!'"


"Two sources also recalled Trump needling Pence about his views on abortion and homosexuality. During a meeting with a legal scholar, Trump belittled Pence’s determination to overturn Roe v. Wade. The legal scholar had said that, if the Supreme Court did so, many states would likely legalize abortion on their own. “You see?” Trump asked Pence. 'You’ve wasted all this time and energy on it, and it’s not going to end abortion anyway.' When the conversation turned to gay rights, Trump motioned toward Pence and joked, 'Don’t ask that guy—he wants to hang them all!'
Mayer also writes that Trump would ask White House visitors derisively, 'Did Mike make you pray?' Quoting Bannon, the story suggests it was Trump’s way of letting 'Pence know who’s boss.'"


So, I want to say this: Whether it was Trump running or somebody else, it is obvious to me as a Catholic that Democrat policies are evil and Republican policies are not.

It is a FACT that Democrats support abortion.
It is a FACT that Democrats support gay marriage.

Abortion and gay marriage are not living political issues. Learn to read a poll. Roughly a quarter of the country wants unlimited abortion on demand. Roughly half of the country wants abortion to be legal at least sometimes. And less than 25% of people (less than the people who want unlimited abortion on demand) want abortion to be illegal in all circumstances.

Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for roughly 50 years now. It's not going to get overturned. And even if it did, all that would do is kick the issue back to the states, where it would remain legal. Because again, the idea that abortion should be legal in at least some circumstances is overwhelmingly popular with the American public.

And even if it weren't, it's overwhelmingly popular with the corporate/billionaire donor class who own our politicians.

A slight majority of Americans do want the Hyde amendment, but that's about as far as it goes.

And in the wake of Obergefell v. Hodges, gay marriage isn't even something that Republicans even talk about anymore. I'm sure you remember that famous photo of Donald Trump holding the gay flag. Not only that, but Donald Trump is engaged in an international effort to "end the criminalization of homosexuality."


If you are voting based on those two issues, then you are completely delusional and detached from reality.


If you actually cared about unborn lives, then you should be in favor of addressing the incentives that lead women to have abortions. One of the biggest incentives is poverty. Why do you think that Planned Parenthood puts all of its locations in poor urban ghettos?

Because that's where the poor people are.

I actually do care about unborn lives, which is why I'm voting for the candidate who is going to create economic conditions where women don't want to have abortions in the first place, the candidate who is going to give us a $15 per hour minimum wage, a federal job guarantee, medicare for all, free childcare and universal pre-K.


Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
That's because you don't know American history

The man who sees Russians under his bed and thinks that aliens are angels and does not even know how to read a simple paragraph from the catechism is going to tell me what I do not know? You don't even know what day of the week it is. You have posted nothing but lies since I joined. I am done talking to you.

Regan signed the abortion document, so that's one

I asked for current GOP policy that is evil. GOP position on abortion is well known, so your answer fails. I do like the rest of your post though, but this was not an answer.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Abortion and gay marriage are not living political issues

You are nuts, just like your other thread is packed will nonsense. Of course abortion is an issue. Laws are being passed on both sides every day. You call yourself catholic? hat is it with catholics like you who are actually anticatholic. Pelosi, Biden, and you should all get a room and the Faux Catholic Inn.
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Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
i wouldn't pay a lot of attention to what retards say

I heard that. You and one or two others are the only people who make sense here. I had no idea that so many "christians" embraced evil.

I guess I will have to answer my own question:

Someone here said that I "fawn" over Trump, and that is a lie. But one reason I believe the things I do is because I don't follow the crowd. I think a lot about things. I thought about what this guy said too.

So, I want to say this: Whether it was Trump running or somebody else, it is obvious to me as a Catholic that Democrat policies are evil and Republican policies are not.

It is a FACT that Democrats support abortion.
It is a FACT that Democrats support gay marriage.

Right there, there are two "official" evil policies.

Then there is socialism. Socialism has been an evil since WWII and has caused untold suffering and death.

Then there are other things, not quite as bad but still bad. Giving benefits to people who sneaked into America illegally when our own classes are too full and hospitals are stretched thin. Supporting transgenders in their perversions. I can think of tons of things.

The other side will say, But Republicans are evil too. Really? I am talking about official policies. I just named some off the top of my head.

I want to hear a Democrat name one evil "policy" that is an official GOP position. I don't think there are any. I have not heard one policy put forth by Republicans that can be classified as "Evil" but I can sure name a lot of evil Democrat policies.

So go ahead, name one. I want to hear one please.

The answer is, there are no evil GOP policies. There are only evil Democrat policies.

Donald Trump is beloved in Israel, has done more for religious liberty at home, is praised in pro life publications, and was the first president to go to a March for Life. Even the great Reagan never did that.

Democrats as we know are for killing children, homosexual marriage, socialism, free stuff for criminals, and all sorts of evil stuff. Traditio like that stuff, fake catholic.

THOSE ARE FACTS, and they are not erased by the jerks who talk down to me and insult me. If anything, those jerks' attacks only highlight the evil of their association with evil.

Trump will win, and I dare say God will be pleased.

President Trump March for Life 2020 full speech