Planet X

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Original discoverer of the unknown inbound object (1939) Carlos Muñoz Ferrada (Spanish) :popcorn: Lk 21:26, Re 6:12-17

:drum: It's the end of the world ~ R.E.M


Gore likens 'global warming' skeptics to racists, supporters of apartheid and homophobes
Two Witnesses
Birth Pangs
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New member

So , you guys are finally starting to see the Big Picture which may be..........

Planet 9 followed by planet X followed by planet XI followed by planet XII

ps. And how can I get that waterski icon on my posts ?


It's not there.

Nothing to see here ~ South Park

Behold, the Lord makes the earth empty and makes it waste,
Distorts its surface
And scatters abroad its inhabitants.
And it shall be:
As with the people, so with the priest;
As with the servant, so with his master;
As with the maid, so with her mistress;
As with the buyer, so with the seller;
As with the lender, so with the borrower;
As with the creditor, so with the debtor.
The land shall be entirely emptied and utterly plundered,
For the Lord has spoken this word. :popcorn:

The earth mourns and fades away,
The world languishes and fades away;
The haughty people of the earth languish.
The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants,
Because they have transgressed the laws,
Changed the ordinance,
Broken the everlasting covenant.
Therefore the curse has devoured the earth,
And those who dwell in it are desolate.
Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned,
And few men are left.
The new wine fails, the vine languishes,
All the merry-hearted sigh.
The mirth of the tambourine ceases,
The noise of the jubilant ends,
The joy of the harp ceases.
They shall not drink wine with a song;
Strong drink is bitter to those who drink it.
The city of confusion is broken down;
Every house is shut up, so that none may go in.
There is a cry for wine in the streets,
All joy is darkened,
The mirth of the land is gone.
In the city desolation is left,
And the gate is stricken with destruction.
When it shall be thus in the midst of the land among the people,
It shall be like the shaking of an olive tree,
Like the gleaning of grapes when the vintage is done. :popcorn:

They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing;
For the majesty of the Lord
They shall cry aloud from the sea.
Therefore glorify the Lord in the dawning light,
The name of the Lord God of Israel in the coastlands of the sea.
From the ends of the earth we have heard songs:
“Glory to the righteous!”
But I said, “I am ruined, ruined!
Woe to me!
The treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously,
Indeed, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously.” :popcorn:

Fear and the pit and the snare
Are upon you, O inhabitant of the earth.
And it shall be
That he who flees from the noise of the fear
Shall fall into the pit,
And he who comes up from the midst of the pit
Shall be caught in the snare;
For the windows from on high are open,
And the foundations of the earth are shaken. :popcorn:

The earth is violently broken,
The earth is split open,
The earth is shaken exceedingly.
The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard,
And shall totter like a hut;
Its transgression shall be heavy upon it,
And it will fall, and not rise again. :popcorn:

It shall come to pass in that day
That the Lord will punish on high the host of exalted ones,
And on the earth the kings of the earth.
They will be gathered together,
As prisoners are gathered in the pit,
And will be shut up in the prison;
After many days they will be punished.
Then the moon will be disgraced
And the sun ashamed;
For the Lord of hosts will reign
On Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
And before His elders, gloriously. Is 24:1–23 :popcorn:
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Serp be honest: you WANT the end of the world to happen, don't you?

The bible does not teach that the world ends. :dizzy:

"Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? [2 Pet. 3:12].

“Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God.” Peter is writing to the Diaspora, the Jews scattered abroad, and he says that the day of God is coming.

“Wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved.” After the dissolution of the present heavens, the day of God, which is eternity, as we see in Revelation 21:1, will come.

“Wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” This is one of the most remarkable statements you could possibly have coming from a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. I don’t imagine that Peter figured out how the water, that sea where he fished, would burn. He didn’t know how all this could be dissolved and melted. But the elements, that which we call atoms, the building blocks of the universe, are to be absolutely melted. However, this time Peter uses a different Greek word for “melt” than he used in verse 10. It is tekomai, a word that means actually “wasting away, the wasting away of nature.” This could possibly suggest the effects of radioactivity when an atomic bomb goes off.

Future World

Now Peter comes to that which is ahead—the world that shall be. Just because the earth will be dissolved does not mean that God is through with the earth. As the earth was judged in the past, it will be judged in the future, but the earth will go on.

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness [2 Pet. 3:13]." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (2 Peter) (electronic ed., Vol. 55, pp. 87–88). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book [Rev. 22:6–7].

"And he said unto me, These words are faithful and true: and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show unto His servants the things which must shortly come to pass. And behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book.

The important thing to note is that when He says, “And behold, I come quickly,” He means rapidly. This is repeated again in verse 12 and verse 20. It is repeated three times here at the end: “Behold, I come quickly”—not shortly or immediately or even soon. These events that we have been looking at in Revelation, beginning with chapter 4, take place in a period of not more than seven years, and most of them are confined to the last three and one–half years. The encouragement here is that the Lord Jesus says that it will not be a long period: “I am coming shortly. I will soon be there.” But that means when we get to this period. We are not exactly accurate when we speak of “the soon coming of Christ.” I have said that many times myself, but I do not think it is an accurate term, and it gives the wrong impression.

The Lord Jesus puts His own seal upon this book: “These words are faithful and true” means that no man is to trifle with them by spiritualizing them or reducing them to meaningless symbols. Our Lord is talking about reality. At the beginning of this book, there was a blessing pronounced upon those who read and hear and keep these words. In conclusion, the Lord Jesus repeats the blessing upon those who keep these words. This is a book not to merely satisfy the curiosity of the natural man but to live and act upon." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Prophecy (Revelation 14-22) (electronic ed., Vol. 60, pp. 195–196). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


Why Study Revelation – A by James MacDonald

The Man Who Went Home for Christmas by J. Vernon McGee
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