Pineapple and Onion:


New member
Pineapple and Onion Sandwich. ----- Have any of you tried that yet?? -- I mentioned the “Pineapple and Onion Sandwich” ah couple ah years ago. – I discovered it back in the late 50s I think. – I Know, -- I Know, ( If I say it - then it’s Stupid and Ignorant ), and ((( NON YOU!!! )))!!!!!!! – BUT If you like Onions, you might just Like the “Pineapple and Onion Sandwich”!!!!

I Like Mayonnaise on both breads; -- two pineapple “Slices Split” - to fit the bread. -- A Very large white Onion Slice, - Sliced as or thicker than the Pineapple. – You can Chop that up if need be.

Yes, --- I’M an “Idiot” to all Fools. - And this “Idiot” Has Had just about ALL I’M going to -- from your ((( World )))!!!! ----- I Like My “Pineapple and Onion Sandwiches”, and I don’t give a WIT if None of you DOOO!!!!

I WAIT for ALL -- to look me in the Face at – (( Their END of Their World ))!!!!!
(( Proverbs 1:26-28 KJV )) – 26- “I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; 27- When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you, 28- Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me”. --//------ And I’ll eat MY Pineapple and Onion Sandwiches!!!!!! ---- ~((( ~~Prove ~me ~Wrong~ )))!!!!!!~

Paul – 031114


New member
Pineapple and Onion Sandwich. ----- Have any of you tried that yet?? -- I mentioned the “Pineapple and Onion Sandwich” ah couple ah years ago. – I discovered it back in the late 50s I think. – I Know, -- I Know, ( If I say it - then it’s Stupid and Ignorant ), and ((( NON YOU!!! )))!!!!!!! – BUT If you like Onions, you might just Like the “Pineapple and Onion Sandwich”!!!!

I Like Mayonnaise on both breads; -- two pineapple “Slices Split” - to fit the bread. -- A Very large white Onion Slice, - Sliced as or thicker than the Pineapple. – You can Chop that up if need be.

Yes, --- I’M an “Idiot” to all Fools. - And this “Idiot” Has Had just about ALL I’M going to -- from your ((( World )))!!!! ----- I Like My “Pineapple and Onion Sandwiches”, and I don’t give a WIT if None of you DOOO!!!!

I WAIT for ALL -- to look me in the Face at – (( Their END of Their World ))!!!!!
(( Proverbs 1:26-28 KJV )) – 26- “I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; 27- When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you, 28- Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me”. --//------ And I’ll eat MY Pineapple and Onion Sandwiches!!!!!! ---- ~((( ~~Prove ~me ~Wrong~ )))!!!!!!~

Paul – 031114

It sounds good to me if the onion is a Bermuda sweet onion.
We make a salad with Mandarin oranges, lettuce, sweet onion, sugared walnuts with sweetened vinaigrette dressing.
It is absolutely delicious!