Phil Wolf: Where's the Birth Certificate?

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CORRECTION FROM BEL: Obama did not joke and laugh for 3 minutes before he addressed the Ft. Hood murders, as I had wrongly stated on the air. He spoke lightheartedly for two minutes about an unrelated event as much of the nation tuned in to hear his words hours after the horrific murders committed by an Islamic extremist who shouted Allah Akbar before killing thirteen of our soldiers at a U.S. army base. He gave a "shout out" to Joe Medicine Crow (whom Obama then wrongly described as a Congressional Medal of Honor winner, which is the highest award a member of the military can receive, whereas it's not likely that Joe Crow has ever even been in the service). As I described, my family had tuned in (along with my son Josiah who has been told his Army National Guard unit may be deployed to Afghanistan) to hear Obama's statement about the Fort Hood murders, and we watched in disbelief as he trivialized the event. Josiah said, "What more proof do we need that Obama despises the military?" (Like his apologist MSNBC's Chris Matthews who I've watched for a decade and who I've been in studio with, while talking about the Obama Surge speech, described the West Point cadets as "maybe the enemy camp," with a later apology that suggested that the cadets themselves and their officers may be as dovish as Obama. ?) So I recollected Obama's two minutes wrongly. He was not joking and laughing. After the Columbine murders of twelve students and a teacher, the Governor of Colorado addressed the state. If he had spent two minutes giving trivial comments about some routine state event at the capitol that day before recognizing the horror of the day, he would have been a fool. That man was not a godly leader, but that day, he was not a fool either. Thank you WizardofOz for the correction. -Bob Enyart

Phil Wolf: Where's the Birth Certificate?

This is the show from Thursday December 3rd, 2009.

We were watching live for Barack Obama's address to the nation after the murders by a muslim extremist at Fort Hood, the most horrific murders at a U.S. military base in history. And Barack Obama came on TV. We thought we entered the twilight zone, we went down the rabbit hole because for 3 minutes he was joking, laughing. ...And my son Josiah said, "What more evidence do we need that he despises the military?"


* Birth Certificate Billboard on Denver's I-70: Auto dealer Phil Wolf joins Bob Enyart in studio on Denver's 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT to talk about the Obama eligibility billboard he put up for 300,000 commuters a day who pass by one of his auto dealerships. The Denver Post print headline was, "In big type, doubts about Obama." That original story, updated and online, is now titled, "President or Jihad?" billboard in Wheat Ridge sparks boycott, threats." And check out the great photos of Phil and his billboard and beware of the beautiful people and their death threats, from the liberals who advocate free speech, tolerance, respect for all opinions, and diversity!

* Cal Zastrow On the Road: Personhood USA co-founder Cal Zastrow is headed to Mississippi for their pro-life petition drive and then he's heading to Colorado for our own Personhood dinner with California personhood amendment sponsor Walter Hoye! So, if you're in or near the state of Colorado on Sunday, come on out to support the 2010 personhood amendment signature drive, and meet Cal and the extraordinary Walter Hoye!

* Walter Hoye Coming to Colorado! Big news! The sponsor of the California Personhood Amendment, Pastor Walter Hoye, is coming to Colorado to speak at the Dec. 6th dinner (at the fabulous Cinzetti's Italian Restaurant) to support Colorado's 2010 Personhood signature drive! It's $75 per adult so please come to hear one of Bob Enyart's heroes, Walter Hoye, and to support Guabe Garcia Jones and Leslie Hanks, the hard-working co-sponsors of the amendment, in their effort to raise much needed funds to pay for more blank petitions, mailings, and everything needed to activate another 300 petition circulators!

* Help Personhood Efforts Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

* Check Out!

Today's Resource: Consider doing your Christmas Shopping at the KGOV Store! Give the most entertaining, and uplifting, and educational gifts available! Your friends and family will not only be eternally grateful, but you will help Bob Enyart Live stay on the air and the Internet and continue to reach more people! So please call 1-888-8Enyart (836-9278) for help in selecting just the right gift for someone or just click on our KGOV Store!
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New member
Context is everything

Context is everything

"We were watching live for Barack Obama's address to the nation after the murders by a muslim extremist at Fort Hood, the most horrific murders at a U.S. military base in history. And Barack Obama came on TV. We thought we entered the twilight zone, we went down the rabbit hole because for 3 minutes he was joking, laughing."

Here is the video. Please point out the three minutes of joking and laughing. These pathetic and trivial criticisms :)mock: birthers) deflect from legitimate criticisms of Obama's administration and policies and make his critics look like irrational fools.

Three minutes of joking and laughing?


TOL Subscriber
Some people when without evidence in order to criticize factually, will make up lies!

As horrific as it is, I can not understand how a man can go on a shooting spree on a military base to this extent without being taken out by those military men on the installation....we train our men for war, we teach them how to react to situations like this, then we disarm them?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
personhood and now a birther

you should do a novena to St. Jude

he is the patron saint of hopeless causes


TOL Subscriber
Common sense?

Any one regardless of position in life or religious belief, that resorts to lies, should not be followed or allowed to hold any position of authority, religious or political!

That was common sense at one time, I guess common sense is not very common among certain types!


TOL Subscriber
accepting reality is a big part of common sense

Reality can be changed and has been numerous times through out the history of this country.

Holding those responsible for their lies and wrong doing would be a good start for that needed change!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Reality can be changed and has been numerous times through out the history of this country.

Holding those responsible for their lies and wrong doing would be a good start for that needed change!

why don't you try voting them out of office?

are you one of those third party voters?


TOL Subscriber
why don't you try voting them out of office?
are you one of those third party voters?

What makes you think I don't?

I do not let a party make up my mind for me, I vote for the one I think is best!

My posts on this thread have been directed at those that are willing to throw their integrity out the window by willfully spreading lie's in order to cast aspersions on another!

i.e. "We were watching live for Barack Obama's address to the nation after the murders by a muslim extremist at Fort Hood, the most horrific murders at a U.S. military base in history. And Barack Obama came on TV. We thought we entered the twilight zone, we went down the rabbit hole because for 3 minutes he was joking, laughing."

The individual making that statement is a joke and an embarrassment! The scary part is, PEOPLE FOLLOW HIM!


New member


"We were watching live for Barack Obama's address to the nation after the murders by a muslim extremist at Fort Hood, the most horrific murders at a U.S. military base in history. And Barack Obama came on TV. We thought we entered the twilight zone, we went down the rabbit hole because for 3 minutes he was joking, laughing."

Here is the video. Please point out the three minutes of joking and laughing. These pathetic and trivial criticisms :)mock: birthers) deflect from legitimate criticisms of Obama's administration and policies and make his critics look like irrational fools.

Three minutes of joking and laughing?

Well, since I got a negative rep from Nick M for the above post....
Nick M said:
you have zero integrity and are willfuly ignorant

....I challenge Nick M to point out my ignorance and lack of integrity regarding it. I am nearly certain he cannot make a coherent response not littered with name calling and ad-hom attacks, but I'd love to see him take a shot at it anyway.

Don't cower behind your negative rep button, Nick. Make your case.


TOL Subscriber
Well, since I got a negative rep from Nick M for the above post....

....I challenge Nick M to point out my ignorance and lack of integrity regarding it. I am nearly certain he cannot make a coherent response not littered with name calling and ad-hom attacks, but I'd love to see him take a shot at it anyway.

Don't cower behind your negative rep button, Nick. Make your case.

Ah yes, the great Nick M, I don't think I've ever exchanged words or comments with the man, but he sent me a neg rep (you have zero integrity) also....

I would like a little more to go on Nick, care to expand on that comment?

Integrity...catchy word, is it new to your vocabulary Nick? You know, kind of like when you hear a catchy song and can't seem to get it out of your head!:rotfl:

Or are you just behind on your quota of neg reps?


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Super Moderator
Here's Michael Savage's take on it...

Here's Michael Savage's take on it...



New member
Hold my hand

Hold my hand

Who cares about what Michael Savage has to say about it? Anyone? You've really got to get over this sheep mentality of having to be told what to think.

But, since you brought it up, what did Michael Savage have to say?

Michael Savage said:
I know he (Obama) was at some Indian thing
. :doh:
This shows Savage has no clue where Obama was or what he was doing in context.

Michael Savage said:
......he (Obama) needed every one of the votes and every tipi"

Native Americans live in tipi's? What a disrespectful jerk.

In the criticisms of Obama I've heard over this, the critics are being extremely disrespectful to the Native Americans Obama was addressing. How hypocritical that these pundits cry like babies about Obama "disrespecting the military" while disrespecting a war hero Obama was "giving a shout out to".

I guess Native Americans don't count.

"And now the president is about to speak about the massacre at Fort Hood".

Who said that? Can anyone tell me? It will help show how much of a sheep even Michael Savage is; letting the mainstream media lead him by the hand. Obama was not going to that podium simply to address Fort Hood. He was attending a conference and was making closing statements. This was not a Fort Hood press conference. But again, if he disparages the Native Americans in the crowd, Obama's critics don't seem to mind.

Context is key. Savage and everyone else was lead to believe by the media outlets that he was immediately going to address the shooting.

In the video I embedded, fast forward to 2min 28 sec. That's where the Fort Hood tragedy is addressed. Anything to pick at there?

I bet if the Fox News cameras were rolling before Obama came to podium, he may have taken a bathroom break just prior to addressing his audience. Then you guys could cry about him peeing on the troops.

There are several valid and pressing issues Obama and his administration should be criticized for.

Keep deflecting guys, you're really doing the country some good.


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Super Moderator
Are you planning on adding any value to the discussion or should I just ban your account so we can skip your daily distractions?
Oh, please just do it already. One touch ban and clean and get it over with. For years most of his posts have just been disagreements with us just for the sake of disagreeing, not to add any value. It's the junior high schoolish attitude of caring more about who's right rather than what's right. And that attitude permeates TOL with his posts (which is supposed to be a forum for adults, not junior high school kids). Classic example, he's mostly prolife but all of his posts on the subject disagree with us. In other words he cares more about annoying us than he does for the lives of the unborn. It's just so juvenile and it's been going on for years. Get rid of him already. We've allowed him to be a mouthy little brat for a good long run in our house. It's time for him to have his juvenile fun polluting some other forum.


TOL Subscriber
Oh, please just do it already. One touch ban and clean and get it over with. For years most of his posts have just been disagreements with us just for the sake of disagreeing, not to add any value. It's the junior high schoolish attitude of caring more about who's right rather than what's right. And that attitude permeates TOL with his posts (which is supposed to be a forum for adults, not junior high school kids). Classic example, he's mostly prolife but all of his posts on the subject disagree with us. In other words he cares more about annoying us than he does for the lives of the unborn. It's just so juvenile and it's been going on for years. Get rid of him already. We've allowed him to be a mouthy little brat for a good long run in our house. It's time for him to have his juvenile fun polluting some other forum.

All that you have said is true, but then, we all fall into that category from time to time!

He has strong convictions and is willing to put them out there for your agreement or disagreement..?

Might be that, this is all he has?

May be an antagonist and enjoys this?

May need more than what people here are offering as far as converting his belief is concerned!

What would Christ do at this point? Condemn him before the great judgment day, when we will all stand before God and answer to our deeds or misdeeds, or give him an experience to save him?

Is TOl that experience?
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