

Well-known member
Rev. 6:8 I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.

It's not like we haven't been warned.

Not that this horseman has been loosed...yet.


Serpy, we love you !!

Is Mainstream Media Cooking Up A Fresh New Zika Virus Psyop Scare For This Fall?
Am 8:5
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The Horn

Serpent dove, why are you linking homosexuality with plagues and diseases such as Zika etc ? This is nothing but wishful thinking . The vast majority of the victims of Ebola and other plagues are HETEROSEXUAL .


Serpent dove, why are you linking homosexuality with plagues and diseases such as Zika etc ? This is nothing but wishful thinking . The vast majority of the victims of Ebola and other plagues are HETEROSEXUAL .

Homosexuals are the hardest hit with HIV than any group of people. They carry 60% of the Syphilis virus, despite the fact that they are merely 2% of the population.

Gay marriage did absolutely nothing to deter this, because most homosexuals don't want to get married.
It's kind of funny, isn't it? All those hedonists and liberals protesting for it- all that riff raff, bothering the Supreme Court- pretending it's about 'equal rights' when it was really, well, for the same reason you're on here Horn- to disrupt Christian values :rolleyes:

The Horn

Crucible, "I'm here to "disrupt Christian values ?" LOL !!! AS if I had the power to do this !
I just disagree strongly with a lot of the Christians here . What harm can this do ? I'm not telling anyone here they can't or shouldn't be Christians . And just what are "Christian values ?"
Spreading all kinds of vicious misinformation and disinformation about gay people and homosexuality isn't a very "Christian " thing to do as far as I'm concerned .