Pervert Lesbo Judge grants porn for inmates


New member
And worse, it turns out they've been piping in pornography for 7 years
into inmates' cells at medium security prisons in Canada,
without telling the public.

Federal Court sides with inmate in dispute over access to sexually explicit TV channels

A Federal Court judge has quashed a decision by the Correctional Service of Canada to cut off two cable channels that broadcast late-night pornography to inmates at Archambault Institution, a federal penitentiary north of Montreal.
Haris Naraine, a 46-year-old Archambault inmate, filed a grievance in 2013 after prison authorities cancelled the two channels, included in a local cable package purchased by a group of inmates.
The inmates accessed the sexually explicit programs in their cells on closed circuit channels, typically after 11 p.m.

In an affidavit, Naraine said he had viewed sexually explicit content at Archambault, which houses minimum and medium security inmates, and two other institutions for at least seven years without incidents or complaints from correctional officers.
Naraine’s grievance was denied by CSC’s acting senior deputy commissioner in 2014. But in a judgment dated July 30, Federal Court Justice Jocelyn Gagné overturned that decision and sent the matter back for a new determination by a different commissioner at CSC.
The role of the court, Gagné said, was “not to determine whether or not inmates in CSC’s institutions should have access to sexually explicit television programs, but rather to assess the legality of the commissioner’s decision.”
That decision, she concluded, “does not fall within a range of possible, acceptable outcomes which is defensible in respect of the facts and law.”
Kanata lawyer Todd Sloan, who represented Naraine at the Federal Court hearing, argued that CSC’s decision to ban the channels violated his client’s constitutional rights to freedom of expression.
Federal lawyers conceded that the ban did limit freedom of expression but argued the commissioner’s decision struck a “proportionate balance” between the Charter guarantee and the statutory objectives of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.



After the 2 escapees from upstate New York last month, what the Canadians need is American conservatives telling them how to run their prisons.


New member
After the 2 escapees from upstate New York last month, what the Canadians need is American conservatives telling them how to run their prisons.

That case proved that women guards in a men's prison is utterly stupid.

This case proves that women judges are utterly stupid.
Not because they are women:
But because they must first become homosexual Freemasons to become judges.


I'll bet Naz dug deeper and spent time looking at the particular porn. After all he must do appropriate research.


New member
I'll bet Naz dug deeper and spent time looking at the particular porn. After all he must do appropriate research.

Since Jews control the porn industry,
I'm sure Jonah-dog can give us all the details:


