PBS Presidential Debate Tonight with Alan Keyes

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PBS Presidential Debate Tonight with Alan Keyes

I pray that...you vote for someone who is against killing unborn children and not for the person you think is the most politically savvy.


* Tune in Tonight: for the PBS Republican Presidential debate to see Alan Keyes, and then call into a future BEL show to discuss it!

* Dave from Denver: is excited that Alan Keyes is running for president, and he and Bob urge people to go to AlanKeyes. com and sign The Pledge!

* Dean from Kansas: Dean says that as a conservative Christian, the principle he follows when he votes is whether a candidate will win. Huh. Bob pointed out that if Jesus was running for president, the media slogan against the Lord would be, Crucify Him, and by Dean's own principle, he would vote against the Lord. (By the way, those who dishonor God in their thinking will dismiss this insight as irrelevant.)

* A Major Pro-Life Organization: from Michigan, has called for debate on pro-life strategy! Here is their press release headline: Thomas More Law Center Calls For National Debate on Pro-Life Strategy !

Today's Resource: Enjoy listening to Bob Enyart's Bible study on miracles and healing! It's titled Details Galore! Also, you can read the same information in Bob's life's work, the best-selling manuscript, The Plot!
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