Pastor Test

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Hey Bob! Whatever happened to that 10 question Pastor's Test??

I wanna send it to a pastor, but can't find it online anywhere. Looked at Anaheim Grace's church website which used to have it plus manymore questions, but that is no longer there. Got it on your hard drive or somewhere else?



Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
1. Does your pastor warn people to take their children out of public school?
2. Does your pastor teach people to judge?
3. Does your pastor teach that the theory of evolution is wrong and dangerous?
4. Does your pastor teach to withold forgiveness from those who do not repent?
5. Does your pastor teach that homosexuality is evil?
6. Would your pastor excummunicate/disfellowship unrepentant immoral church members?
7. Does your pastor condemn abortion?
8. Has your pastor ever strongly criticized liberal politicians?
9. Does your pastor teach that some sins are worse than others?
10. Does your pastor's wife seem joyful? (single: Does he rejoice in Christ?)


Blessed beyond measure
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Wasn't there a "scale" to rate your pastor on this? For example if you could only answer yes to maybe 2 questions, get out from under that pastor and run for your life or something like that.


New member
Score ten points for each yes answer. If your pastor scored:
100. Congratulate your pastor for his wisdom and invite others to attend your church!
90. He’s far better than most. Do what you can to support him.
80. He’s a pretty good pastor. Ask God to help you strengthen him.
70. He’s a good man, but not qualified to be a pastor. Pray for help.
60. He’s making a mess of his family and his church. Beware.
50. He’s a fool. Find a different church. Things look good but are really bad.
40. He’s never prayed with anyone for salvation. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
30. Jesus said “if they hate Me, they’ll hate you.” But everyone loves him, he’s bad.
20. He’s in it for the money, or to avoid a real job. Escape while you can.
10. What in the world are you still doing there? He’s not OK, you’re nuts.
0. He’s Hillary Clinton in disguise. Run for your life.

© PO Box 583 Arvada CO 80001 303 463-1707


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DaringlyStupid said:
Score ten points for each yes answer. If your pastor scored:
100. Congratulate your pastor for his wisdom and invite others to attend your church!
90. He’s far better than most. Do what you can to support him.
80. He’s a pretty good pastor. Ask God to help you strengthen him.
70. He’s a good man, but not qualified to be a pastor. Pray for help.
60. He’s making a mess of his family and his church. Beware.
50. He’s a fool. Find a different church. Things look good but are really bad.
40. He’s never prayed with anyone for salvation. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
30. Jesus said “if they hate Me, they’ll hate you.” But everyone loves him, he’s bad.
20. He’s in it for the money, or to avoid a real job. Escape while you can.
10. What in the world are you still doing there? He’s not OK, you’re nuts.
0. He’s Hillary Clinton in disguise. Run for your life.

© PO Box 583 Arvada CO 80001 303 463-1707

Cool!! I knew it was out there somewhere. Thanks!


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
truthteller86 said:
Here's a link to a larger version of the Pastor Qualification Quiz. You'll see the similarities:

If you want a nice cleaned up (1st person) version cut down to 20 questions...PM me and I'll send you the MS Woed Doc. with detailed answers.

- Michael
:up: Santa Clarita Bible Baptist Church rocks!


Blessed beyond measure
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truthteller86 said:
Here's a link to a larger version of the Pastor Qualification Quiz. You'll see the similarities:

If you want a nice cleaned up (1st person) version cut down to 20 questions...PM me and I'll send you the MS Woed Doc. with detailed answers.

- Michael

That's awesome! Sounds like a great church.


TOL Subscriber
Is it ever right to withhold forgiveness?

Is it ever right to withhold forgiveness?

I gave this test to a freind and he took it to his bible study where they discussed it and the one objection I heard about was to #4.

I have heard the psycho-babble. Can anyone point me to a concise, biblical, written teaching on forgiveness?


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CRASH said:
I gave this test to a freind and he took it to his bible study where they discussed it and the one objection I heard about was to #4.

I have heard the psycho-babble. Can anyone point me to a concise, biblical, written teaching on forgiveness?

Oh Turbo???


TOL Subscriber
Thanks for the links! I agree 100% That sheds some insight, but I am looking for an "exhaustive study" on forgiveness.

BTW, have you ever played the real asteroids?
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Turbo said:
1. Does your pastor warn people to take their children out of public school?
2. Does your pastor teach people to judge?
3. Does your pastor teach that the theory of evolution is wrong and dangerous?
4. Does your pastor teach to withold forgiveness from those who do not repent?
5. Does your pastor teach that homosexuality is evil?
6. Would your pastor excummunicate/disfellowship unrepentant immoral church members?
7. Does your pastor condemn abortion?
8. Has your pastor ever strongly criticized liberal politicians?
9. Does your pastor teach that some sins are worse than others?
10. Does your pastor's wife seem joyful? (single: Does he rejoice in Christ?)

My former minister would've scored a nine (his wife was dour but hey, she's a true New Englander).

That said the man was a complete nut. Ah well.

the Sibbie

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Granite said:
My former minister would've scored a nine (his wife was dour but hey, she's a true New Englander).

That said the man was a complete nut. Ah well.
Wow, really? He wouldn't happen to be in the Michigan area would he?

I from what I recall I think our former pastor would have scored a 5 or maybe a 6 (there were a couple I'm not sure of)! :shocked: What do you think, Turbo?


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the Sibbie said:
Wow, really? He wouldn't happen to be in the Michigan area would he?

I from what I recall I think our former pastor would have scored a 5 or maybe a 6 (there were a couple I'm not sure of)! :shocked: What do you think, Turbo?

Nah, he's in New Hampshire... :jump:
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