Pastor Kevin's POTD

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New member
OK my award goes once again to Daddyugi, doin' some truthsmackin' here:

daddyugi said:
Kindly get out Hebrew/English dictionary and look up the word "shakab". You'll find the
meaning of the word to be 1) rest (you can rest with a man the same as resting with a
woman ie: sleep) 2) have sexual relations (this is what the verse is talking about, you're
not to have sexual relationships with men as you do with women) 3) decease or any
other reason (since you only die once, it's hard to apply this to the verse, and there is no
other reason for being with a woman in bed besides resting or having sexual relationships
that I can think of. Anything that isn't resting in bed with a woman usually winds up being
sexual or attempting sexual relationships with the woman).

Quote Dave: "Although we may not retain physical attributes in the Spiritual sense, our
spirits certainly reflect the essence of who we are, in terms of self identity" Have you
ever read the Scripture that says "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I
who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in
Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." Gal. 2:20 After you've read that
then you need to read I Cor. 6:15-20. Pay particular attention to verse 17. If you are a
Christian (joined to the Lord), then you are one spirit WITH Him. If you aren't a Christian,
then it doesn't matter what you do, because your spirit is dead.

After you've read and memorized I Cor. 6:15-20, read and memorize I Cor. 6:9-11. If you
are a Christian, then you are no longer to be one of these who will not inherit the Kingdom
of God. You need to seriously consider what the Bible says. If you practice any particular
sin, then you are NOT a Christian, I John 3:7-9. If you practice homosexuality, then,
according to Scripture (I John 3:7-9), you are not of God but of Satan.

Recap: Scripture say 1) Don't have homosexual sex 2) If you are a Christian, your spirit
is one with Christ [none of that male spirit/female spirit heresy] 3) If you practice sin [any]
you are not going to inherit the Kingdom of God 4) If you practice sin, you are of Satan.
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