"Parents of of Transgender Leelah Alcorn are not Christians"


Well-known member
The Talk (link to watch)

a couple of exerpts:

"As wrong as it may be, these people with thier religious beliefs, 'think' they are doing what is right..."

"Christian bullies drove their child to death. That's not what Christianity is about! Get on your knees and ask your child and the Lord for forgiveness for doing this!"


New member
I don't think these Christian parents drove their son to his death. Rather, I think the new transgender lobby set him up for a conflict with his parents.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
What a heap of baloney. Too many people are buying into the deception that it's okay to be gay and it's okay to raise kids that way.
We have became a society of enablers that teach children and adults to throw hissy fits when they don't get their way. When the child's parents don't enable him he has a fit and even does the unthinkable.
I don't think enabling the child aberrant attitude toward himself would have helped him.
How much of this is actually spin anyway?
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New member
I don't think these Christian parents drove their son to his death. Rather, I think the new transgender lobby set him up for a conflict with his parents.

so some mysterious "lobby" forced this child's parents to be abusive.


Hall of Fame
This kid had to have been unstable PRIOR to finding out his parents would not support his sex change.

Without being there and knowing the whole story, I am not going to jump on the bandwagon and kick dirt in the faces of parent's who will be grieving the loss of their child for the rest of their lives.


Well-known member
so some mysterious "lobby" forced this child's parents to be abusive.
:nono: ▲See Rusha just above me▲

Let's 'assume' the child was right together, since you are assuming it anyway (I'm being temporarily on your side just to get you to see logic, not because I believe the child was a girl).

The story is the blame game that shouldn't exist. A child, born a boy thinks he's a girl. Regardless of anything else, this is the problem, not the parents. They 'thought' the child was a boy and treated him as such: No foul.

That others are trying to 'make' a foul to either this boy's sin, confusion, or birth-defect (doesn't matter as it pertains to the parents), has confused society into thinking that the parents were at all to blame for this child's decision. That's a HUGE stretch! Social media/ "The Talk" are the ones to blame in this story: they quickly blamed the parents which is libel imo. That's the actual and real issue. You, Tracer, are unwittingly being a social-media-dupe! You let others tell you how to think and then drone your way into these conversations as their stooly. Don't let others do your thinking for you.


Well-known member
How were they abusive?
Yep, that is point #1.

My point #2 is that 'real Christians' don't take their cues/definitions from the media. I know those egotistical media self-called Christians would be shocked to hear that, but they seem to need to hear that we don't watch the media but rather read our Bibles in order to understand ourselves as "real" Christians or not AND that what they 'think' doesn't really matter, despite how big of a 'star' or "Christian-star" they think they are. I'm pretty sure the "Wise"men followed a different kind of star.


New member
Hall of Fame
This kid had to have been unstable PRIOR to finding out his parents would not support his sex change.

Without being there and knowing the whole story, I am not going to jump on the bandwagon and kick dirt in the faces of parent's who will be grieving the loss of their child for the rest of their lives.



Well-known member
The Opposite Parents of Jazz Jennings allow 6 year old to have gender surgery

The Opposite Parents of Jazz Jennings allow 6 year old to have gender surgery

Parents of Jazz Jennings allowed him to change his gender from boy to girl at an incredibly young age of 5. He was diagnosed with Gender dysphoria (transexualism). Such is incredibly isolated that it is hard to address issues of morality. Do you hold a child accountable for his/her parent's allowance much later in life? There seem to be a lot more questions than answers. 1 Corinthians 7:8 might be the only option for a transgender becoming a Christian.