Pagans on BBC tv.


Turned tv on to find a group of Satanist English standing on the great white horse cut into the hillside turf and claiming to be Druids complete with silly cloaks, garb and horned helmets linked hands and praying to some 'sky god'. They are deluded and doomed as all other pagans.
Switched channels to find the childish Brian Cox discussing the planets and claiming Earth is 3.7 billion years old. It is getting younger as last time I checked they were claiming it was 4.54 to match the idiotic idea that uranium takes 4.54 to turn into lead. Cox was born in 1968 and his brain would be filled with the constant news, chat and clips about the two top 1968 films: Space Odyssey and Planet of Apes. No wonder the deluded fool thinks humans were seeded from other worlds and evolved up from apes...
Aristotle said: “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”
"Apparently helpless in their mother's arms, the infant seems incapable of learning. In fact, the baby is at the most absorptive stage and totally open to external influences."