Oxford professor: "The end of Britain as we know it."

patrick jane

Good short video. I stumbled across a site called Political Irish in the midst of looking for dirt on the dismal dirt dems. Long story short, I joined cuz I'm half Irish and I realized right away it's 99% folks from Ireland and I know nothing about their politics. There were more than a dozen immigrant threads. I think the takeover will be a lot sooner than they admit officially. Did you see all the men, young men and young boys? Marching.

Drake Shelton

New member
The reason whites are giving up their countries is very easy to understand:

1. The soul doctrine and the floaty place doctrine of the church. The soul doctrine teaches that you are not your physical being with its genetic and social heritage. Instead you are a light being bound to escape the tethers of the body at death and fly into the floaty place and thus the events of the physical world are not your concern. It is social suicide. This doctrine is also the basis for class warfare as equality of value is seen to be the soul and not man as is stated in Gen. 1:27-28 and 1 Cor. 11:7.The homosexuals also use this doctrine to buttress their insanity that they are women in men’s bodies, a female soul in a male body.

2. The Church’s rejection of the Law of Moses. This teaches the people a moral relativism and mysticism and Pacifism. No one knows what part of the Bible they are supposed to do and the wedge drawn between the Old Testament and the New portrays the Old Testament as evil masculinity and the New Testament a mystic pacifistic Pietistic feminism. This inherent Preterism, teaching that all the types and shadows and Sabbaths were fulfilled at the time of Yeshua and now we are to submit to Rabbinic Talmudic Theology, a system hostile to the creator and the Messiah, with the Noahide laws, is precisely why Marxist ethics have conquered the Church.

3. The doctrine of Angelic Celibacy. This doctrine demoralizes the Men into thinking that wanting a sexual relationship with a single woman is itself sinful. This is ground for hypocrisy and more hatred towards the creator for enacting laws totally contradictory to their nature. It also gives ground for Mystic Female moral supremacy.

4. The doctrine of Dispensational Premillennialism. This doctrine denies the Kingship of Yeshua and creates a platform of Jewish racial supremacy and white racial subordination. The denial of Yeshua’s Kingship is grounds for Political pacifism and more social suicide.

5. The doctrine of Arminianism or Pelagianism. This heresy teaches a Libertarian view of the will, individual sovereignty and that justice is defined by an equality of opportunity. It is the foundation of modern Liberal morality.




Well-known member
As Israel often found out, foreign gods come in when they wondered away from God. Britain and other nations are no different:

Exodus 20:3
"You shall have no other gods before me.

The Barbarian


Well, actually, no. Most terrorism in the United States comes from right-wing organizations.

Most Terrorists in the U.S. Are Right Wing, Not Muslim
U.S. President Donald Trump was elected vowing to get tough on “radical Islamic terrorism.” He has tried to implement a travel ban barring people from six Muslim-majority nations from entering the U.S. and has tweeted frequently about Islamist terrorist attacks around the world. On Thursday, a new report claimed the president has his facts muddled.

A joint project by the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute, a nonprofit media center, and Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting has found that within the past nine years, right-wing extremists plotted or carried out nearly twice as many terrorist attacks as Islamist extremists. Of the 115 right-wing incidents, police only foiled 35 percent. Compare this to the 63 Islamist terrorism cases, where police foiled 76 percent of the planned attacks.

Notice that one of the problems is that we aren't as good at stopping right-wing terrorists as we are at stopping Muslim terrorists.

So surely Trump is putting more effort into stopping terrorism on the right?


Well-known member
3. The doctrine of Angelic Celibacy. This doctrine demoralizes the Men into thinking that wanting a sexual relationship with a single woman is itself sinful. This is ground for hypocrisy and more hatred towards the creator for enacting laws totally contradictory to their nature. It also gives ground for Mystic Female moral supremacy.
