Out of Wed-lock:

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New member
Is the word “Bastard” spiritually incorrect because it’s in the Scriptures and God uses it, or because some people just don’t like the Word?

Deuteronomy 23:2 KJV – “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even TO HIS TENTH GENERATION shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD”.

Enoch is the seventh from Adam, and Enoch’s Son is Mathusala, Enoch’s grandson is Lamech, and Enoch’s great grandson is Noah, the “TENTH GENERATION” from Adam. ----- Luke 3:36-37 KJV – Noe / Noah, which was the son of Lamech, 37- Which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch”. ------ It’s not unscriptural to say, “A bastard shall be unclean or “UNJUSTIFIED” until the tenth generation”. – In this case, a “bastard” takes on a slightly different definition, than just born out of wed-lock. – A bastard can also be someone who is just unjustified under the Old Law, and Lost under the New Law of Faith, or Grace. What God is referring to here is, if you are not a Son of God, you are a son of the devil, a “bastard”, and not a SON. – Would it be spiritual correctness, or spiritually incorrect to call the lost, “Bastards”? – It may be, but it shouldn’t be.

7- If ye endure chastening, GOD DEALETH WITH YOU as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?


9- Furthermore we have had FATHERS OF OUR FLESH WHICH CORRECTED US, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in SUBJECTION UNTO THE FATHER OF SPIRITS, and live?
10- For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but HE FOR OUR PROFIT, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
11- Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them WHICH ARE EXERCISED THEREBY”.

Can it be any clearer, he that refuses the chastening of the Lord, is a Bastard and NOT A SON?
Just what is the chastisement of the Lord? – Just who does the Chastening?

Most of you unlearned self righteous church goers think if you fall down the stairs, or your house burns, or you get sick, or you have a car wreck, or you loose something of value, or anything like those; - you’ve been “CHASTENED” BY THE LORD! --- You FOOL! -- Read the Book and believe it!

Hebrews 12:5 KJV – “My son, DESPISE NOT THOU THE CHASTENING OF THE LORD, nor faint WHEN THOU ART REBUKED OF HIM”. ----- It says it right there; “Despise not the chastening / rebuke of him”. – Therefore, the Chastening is the rebuke of the Lord. - And who does the REBUKING of the Lord? -- Most all you self righteous church goers deny the chastening or the rebuking of the Lord. --- Because it’s the Christian who is commanded, ordered, or ORDAINED to REBUKE those who are in error of the TRUTH. ----- Titus 1:12-13 KJV – “Rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith”. ----- Rebuke is not a coward and gives in to the spiritual correctness of the false churches, and the false christians. - Rebuke is the correcting the error by USING THE SCRIPTURES. – “Rebuke is the use of the Scriptures to “CORRECT” an error in a teaching. Despise not the rebuke / correction of the Truth. ----- 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV – “ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN by inspiration of God, and IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR –(“CORRECTION”)--, FOR INSTRUCTION in righteousness”. ----- Is God himself going to come down and rebuke or “CORRECT” you fools in your false doctrines? - I hardly think so, but you go ahead and despise the rebuke or the Correction I give you in your false doctrines. - One of which is this doctrine right here of Rebuke and the Chastening of the LORD BY THE CHRISTIAN.

Because you people are so up tight in your false doctrines, you have missed many of the VERY important events of the Scriptures. One is the Following:

The two thieves crucified with Christ. - You ALL say the GOOD thief and the BAD thief. --- Well, taking that for the understanding of it, the Bad thief blasphemed the Lord while on the Cross, giving the appearance of being condemned. That’s you all in your foolishness of unbelief. --- However! – The “GOOD” thief rebuked / corrected the “BAD” thief. --- What is rebuke or correction for? – Read it again.
You turn the Lord’s head the wrong way every time to the Good thief to say, “This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise”. ----- That’s an error in you all’s false doctrine. The Lord turned to the SO CALLED BAD thief and said after the bad thief repented and said, “Remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom”. - And the Lord turned to the “bad” thief and said, “This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise”. The Lord didn’t have to say anything to the “GOOD” thief; he did what he was supposed to do to be saved at that time anyhow. – The Scriptures show that the good thief confessed Christ and confessed his sins; - READ IT AGAIN! – And believe what you read this time. --- WELL, you can’t do that; you’ll still snort, spit, and blaspheme me like anyone who refuses the chastening of the Lord would do. ---- You’ve just been chastised in the name of the Lord, the Word of God.

Paul 080410


Hall of Fame
Whether or not it is used in the Bible makes no difference to me. Referring to a child as a bastard is showing cruelty towards the child even if it is meant towards the parents.

As someone who is vehemently against abortion, I don't understand how anyone could use such a word when describing an innocent child.


New member
Whether or not it is used in the Bible makes no difference to me. Referring to a child as a bastard is showing cruelty towards the child even if it is meant towards the parents.

As someone who is vehemently against abortion, I don't understand how anyone could use such a word when describing an innocent child.

You liberal FOOL; - I am not referring to a little child in dippers. - I’m referring to fools that act like fools and deny the very WORD used by the LORD. – This has nothing to do with the “BIRTH” of the bastard to earthly parents; but the lack of faith in GOD. – Hebrews 12:8 KJV – “IF YE BE WITHOUT CHASTISEMENT, (whereof all are partakers), THEN ARE YE BASTARDS, AND NOT SONS”. ----- That you fool is referring to the Child of the DEVIL. All children of the devil are bastards, and not children of GOD. --- LIKE YOU!

Take your liberal garbage and keep it to yourself or to your B----- brothers of the devil. - Because you didn’t receive the chastisement of the Lord.

Paul – 080510


Hall of Fame
You liberal FOOL; - I am not referring to a little child in dippers. - I’m referring to fools that act like fools and deny the very WORD used by the LORD. – This has nothing to do with the “BIRTH” of the bastard to earthly parents; but the lack of faith in GOD. – Hebrews 12:8 KJV – “IF YE BE WITHOUT CHASTISEMENT, (whereof all are partakers), THEN ARE YE BASTARDS, AND NOT SONS”. ----- That you fool is referring to the Child of the DEVIL. All children of the devil are bastards, and not children of GOD. --- LIKE YOU!

Take your liberal garbage and keep it to yourself or to your B----- brothers of the devil. - Because you didn’t receive the chastisement of the Lord.

Paul – 080510

Pffffttttttttttt, coming from a trollish name-caller such as yourself, your insults are meaningless. As far as taking *my liberal garbage and keeping it to myself, you can apply your advice to yourself.

This is a discussion forum ... IF you don't want nonbelievers to reply to one of your threads, easy to remedy: post it in the Exclusively Christian section.


New member
Pffffttttttttttt, coming from a trollish name-caller such as yourself, your insults are meaningless. As far as taking *my liberal garbage and keeping it to myself, you can apply your advice to yourself.

This is a discussion forum ... IF you don't want nonbelievers to reply to one of your threads, easy to remedy: post it in the Exclusively Christian section.

Thank You, but none of you ever reply directly to the my Threads. You find it the place to exhale you anger.

Paul -- 080510


Hall of Fame
Thank You, but none of you ever reply directly to the my Threads. You find it the place to exhale you anger.

Paul -- 080510

I only apply to threads I *might* be interested in. Being that I am a mother who had two children while married and one out of wedlock after my divorce, I do take offense to the use of the word *bastard*.

It is demeaning to children ... THAT is why I spoke up.


New member
I only apply to threads I *might* be interested in. Being that I am a mother who had two children while married and one out of wedlock after my divorce, I do take offense to the use of the word *bastard*.

It is demeaning to children ... THAT is why I spoke up.

Why would you say the WORD is demeaning to the children?

It's the mother who is demeaning, or OFFENDED them, and GAVE them that tital. I didn't give them the Title, you must have, according to what you said.

OOOHH, and Jesus used the WORD, and I just quoted him, and that is offensive to you, as are the rest of what I say he said.

Is that true or not?

Paul -- 082110
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Active member
Why would you say the WORD is demeaning to the children?

It's the mother who is demeaning, or OFFENDED them, and GAVE them that tital. I didn't give them the Title, you must have, according to what you said.

OOOHH, and Jesus used the WORD, and I just quoted him, and that is offensive to you, as are the rest of what I say he said.

Is that true or not?

Paul -- 082110

Well, Jesus never used the word. Bastard itself is medieval, and is never used by anyone in the bible. As well, the word bastard is translated from appears only in Hebrews, likely written by Barnabas, and never in the Gospels. It is the word nothos, appears only the once in the NT, and supposedly means born of a concubine or a female slave. Mamzer appears twice in the OT, and apparently implies alienation, or foreign, and supposedly refers often to one born of mixed parents. Bastard, of course, is of medieval roots.

some other dude

New member
Well, Jesus never used the word. Bastard itself is medieval, and is never used by anyone in the bible. As well, the word bastard is translated from appears only in Hebrews, likely written by Barnabas, and never in the Gospels. It is the word nothos, appears only the once in the NT, and supposedly means born of a concubine or a female slave. Mamzer appears twice in the OT, and apparently implies alienation, or foreign, and supposedly refers often to one born of mixed parents. Bastard, of course, is of medieval roots.

If it's in the KJV, then Jesus said it.


New member
Because it is the CHILD you are using the derogatory name towards. :duh:

It make on difference to me. - You just had a Child as far as I’m concerned. --- However, -- it was you who bastardized your own child and said so! -- I didn’t bastardize anything including the Scriptures.

The important thing is, how do you make it right with the Child? --- Fighting with me!?
God can’t change it through prayer. You can’t change it through prayer. What have you done!

If you become a New Creature, you’re not the one who had the child to start with, and he is not yours, and there’s the rub you have now. - You and none of your “Christian” brethren can change it. – HOWEVER!

Paul – 082310


Hall of Fame
It make on difference to me. - You just had a Child as far as I’m concerned. --- However, -- it was you who bastardized your own child and said so! -- I didn’t bastardize anything including the Scriptures.

The important thing is, how do you make it right with the Child? --- Fighting with me!?
God can’t change it through prayer. You can’t change it through prayer. What have you done!

You really need to quit hiding behind your religion when you desire to make hateful and nasty comments.

I GAVE life to my child, which included loving her to this very day. Unlike her Christian father who wanted me to *get rid of it*, I did choose to get rid of "it" and gave him the boot.

I have a very low opinion of people who use children as a way to attack those they hate. Mind your own life and quit passing off your misery to random strangers on the internet.
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New member
You really need to quit hiding behind your religion when you desire to make hateful and nasty comments.

I GAVE life to my child, which included loving her to this very day. Unlike her Christian father who wanted me to *get rid of it*, I did chose to get rid it "it" and gave him the boot.

I have a very low opinion of people who use children as a way to attack those they hate. Mind your own life and quit passing off your misery to random strangers on the internet.

The courage to present this evil bigotry of his is easy to come by as long as its anonymous and from behind a computer screen.

He wont have that kind of "courage" if he wanted to confront you, or me, my beautiful son and my not so easily amused boyfriend.

Im not sure he's even worthy of hosing down with mace, dont want go get some perfectly good chemicals all dirty.


New member
You really need to quit hiding behind your religion when you desire to make hateful and nasty comments.

I GAVE life to my child, which included loving her to this very day. Unlike her Christian father who wanted me to *get rid of it*, I did chose to get rid it "it" and gave him the boot.

I have a very low opinion of people who use children as a way to attack those they hate. Mind your own life and quit passing off your misery to random strangers on the internet.

Then save thy self.

Paul -- 082410


New member
Is the word “Bastard” spiritually incorrect because it’s in the Scriptures and God uses it, or because some people just don’t like the Word?

Deuteronomy 23:2 KJV – “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even TO HIS TENTH GENERATION shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD”.

Enoch is the seventh from Adam, and Enoch’s Son is Mathusala, Enoch’s grandson is Lamech, and Enoch’s great grandson is Noah, the “TENTH GENERATION” from Adam. ----- Luke 3:36-37 KJV – Noe / Noah, which was the son of Lamech, 37- Which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch”. ------ It’s not unscriptural to say, “A bastard shall be unclean or “UNJUSTIFIED” until the tenth generation”. – In this case, a “bastard” takes on a slightly different definition, than just born out of wed-lock. – A bastard can also be someone who is just unjustified under the Old Law, and Lost under the New Law of Faith, or Grace. What God is referring to here is, if you are not a Son of God, you are a son of the devil, a “bastard”, and not a SON. – Would it be spiritual correctness, or spiritually incorrect to call the lost, “Bastards”? – It may be, but it shouldn’t be.

7- If ye endure chastening, GOD DEALETH WITH YOU as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?


9- Furthermore we have had FATHERS OF OUR FLESH WHICH CORRECTED US, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in SUBJECTION UNTO THE FATHER OF SPIRITS, and live?
10- For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but HE FOR OUR PROFIT, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
11- Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them WHICH ARE EXERCISED THEREBY”.

Can it be any clearer, he that refuses the chastening of the Lord, is a Bastard and NOT A SON?
Just what is the chastisement of the Lord? – Just who does the Chastening?

Most of you unlearned self righteous church goers think if you fall down the stairs, or your house burns, or you get sick, or you have a car wreck, or you loose something of value, or anything like those; - you’ve been “CHASTENED” BY THE LORD! --- You FOOL! -- Read the Book and believe it!

Hebrews 12:5 KJV – “My son, DESPISE NOT THOU THE CHASTENING OF THE LORD, nor faint WHEN THOU ART REBUKED OF HIM”. ----- It says it right there; “Despise not the chastening / rebuke of him”. – Therefore, the Chastening is the rebuke of the Lord. - And who does the REBUKING of the Lord? -- Most all you self righteous church goers deny the chastening or the rebuking of the Lord. --- Because it’s the Christian who is commanded, ordered, or ORDAINED to REBUKE those who are in error of the TRUTH. ----- Titus 1:12-13 KJV – “Rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith”. ----- Rebuke is not a coward and gives in to the spiritual correctness of the false churches, and the false christians. - Rebuke is the correcting the error by USING THE SCRIPTURES. – “Rebuke is the use of the Scriptures to “CORRECT” an error in a teaching. Despise not the rebuke / correction of the Truth. ----- 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV – “ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN by inspiration of God, and IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR –(“CORRECTION”)--, FOR INSTRUCTION in righteousness”. ----- Is God himself going to come down and rebuke or “CORRECT” you fools in your false doctrines? - I hardly think so, but you go ahead and despise the rebuke or the Correction I give you in your false doctrines. - One of which is this doctrine right here of Rebuke and the Chastening of the LORD BY THE CHRISTIAN.

Because you people are so up tight in your false doctrines, you have missed many of the VERY important events of the Scriptures. One is the Following:

The two thieves crucified with Christ. - You ALL say the GOOD thief and the BAD thief. --- Well, taking that for the understanding of it, the Bad thief blasphemed the Lord while on the Cross, giving the appearance of being condemned. That’s you all in your foolishness of unbelief. --- However! – The “GOOD” thief rebuked / corrected the “BAD” thief. --- What is rebuke or correction for? – Read it again.
You turn the Lord’s head the wrong way every time to the Good thief to say, “This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise”. ----- That’s an error in you all’s false doctrine. The Lord turned to the SO CALLED BAD thief and said after the bad thief repented and said, “Remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom”. - And the Lord turned to the “bad” thief and said, “This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise”. The Lord didn’t have to say anything to the “GOOD” thief; he did what he was supposed to do to be saved at that time anyhow. – The Scriptures show that the good thief confessed Christ and confessed his sins; - READ IT AGAIN! – And believe what you read this time. --- WELL, you can’t do that; you’ll still snort, spit, and blaspheme me like anyone who refuses the chastening of the Lord would do. ---- You’ve just been chastised in the name of the Lord, the Word of God.

Paul 080410
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